Examples of SOT Observation in Performance Verification Phase M. Kubo (JAXA/ISAS) and SOT team
PV Phase-I ObservablesWavelengthFOVCadenceDuration 1FiltergramsG-band /Continuum /Ca II H/ H-alpha 1K x 2K1.5 min0.5 day 2Dopplergrams (with continuum obs.) Fe I 5576A1K x 2K1 min0.5 day 3Shuttered Stokes IQUV (with continuum obs.) Fe I 6302A1K x 2K4 min0.5 day 4LOS magnetogram (with continuum obs.) Fe I 6302A1K x 2K1 min0.5 day 5Shutterless Stokes IQUV (with continuum obs.) Fe I 6302A64 x 1K20 sec0.5 day Examples of FG observation sequences Verify one observable or simple combination with typical wavelengths for long duration (several hours – half a day) Some of them can be carried out in the first light phase as background observation
PV Phase-I ObservablesFOVCadenceDuration 1Normal mapping320”x160”160 min1 day 2Fast mapping320”x160”60 min0.5 day 3Dynamics16” x 32”3 min0.5 day 4Deep magnetogram32” x 160”30 min0.5 day Examples of SP observation sequences SP observations can be carried out simultaneous with FG. Some FG observables, especially magnetograms and Dopplergrams, shall be carried out simultaneous with SP in order to check their performance.
Check item: - Orbital variation (focus, distortion, magnification) - Long-term image stability - Filter tuning speed, times for changing from each line to any other line - Image co-alignment between BFI, NFI, and SP Filtergram observation CH G-band Ha line center FG 1.5 min/cycle Normal mapping sec/slit ”/1step SP FOV : 16” x 160” 8 min/map Ca II H Blue continuum Data rate: 0.3 Mbps (JPEG, 3bits/pix)Data rate: 0.3 Mbps (JPEG, 1.5bits/pix) BFI : 50” x 100”(0.05”/pixel) NFI : 80” x 160”(0.08”/pixel) Period: 0.5 day Target: AR (or QT) Ha continuum Scientific objective: Photospheric and chromospheric structures
Period: 0.5 day Target: AR, QT Dopplergram observation Dopplergram (Fe I 5576) Fe I 5576 continuum FG 1 min/cycle BFI : 50” x 100”(0.05”/pixel) NFI : 80” x 160”(0.08”/pixel) Data rate: 0.3 Mbps (JPEG)Data rate: 0.2 Mbps (JPEG) Fast mapping sec/slit ”/1step SP - FOV : 80” x 160” (- Narrow FOV) 15 min/map Check item: - Orbital variation (Doppler shift) - Comparison between NFI and SP - Performance for helioseismology Scientific objective: - Velocity structures in the photosphere - Photospheric and sub-photospheric motions
PV Phase-II After the verification of each observable is completed, Make observations combined observables with multiple wavelengths Long-term observation (> 1 week) of an active region (We have to keep telemetry rate ~0.3 Mbps for a continuous observation) Observations of quiet regions, E-W limbs, polar regions,… Verification of scientific performance of SOT observables at any locations Flare observations
Combined observables CH G-band Shuttered IQUV ( x 4 ) (Fe I 6303) Ca II H Magnetogram (Na D 5896) Dopplergram (Fe I 5576) Ha wing Ha line center 15 分 FOV : 80” x 80” Fast mapping sec/slit ”/1step 15 min/map2.5 min/cycle Check item: - Sequential control of 4 FG observables with multiple wavelengths FG SP BFI : 50” x 50”(0.05”/pixel) NFI : 80” x 80”(0.08”/pixel) Data rate: 0.5 Mbps (JPEG)Data rate: 0.1 Mbps (JPEG) Period: 0.5 day Target: AR, QT Scientific objective: 3D magnetic and velocity structures from the photosphere to the chromosphere
PV Phase-II After the verification of each observable is completed, Make observations combined observables with multiple wavelengths Long-term observation (> 1 week) of an active region (We have to keep telemetry rate ~0.3 Mbps for a continuous observation) Observations of quiet regions, E-W limbs, polar regions,… Verification of scientific performance of SOT observables at any locations Flare observations
Long-term observation CH G-band Dopplergram (Fe I 5576) Ha line center FG 5 min/cycle Fast mapping sec/slit ”/1step SP 30 min/map BFI : 200” x 100”(0.1”/pixel) NFI : 240” x 160”(0.16”/pixel) Data rate: 0.1 Mbps (JPEG)Data rate: 0.2 Mbps (JPEG) Check item: - Center – limb variations (image quality, Doppler shift, magnetic fields,…) - Tracking performance Ca II H Magnetogram (Fe I 6303) FOV : 160” x 160” Period: 1 week Target: AR Scientific objective: Long-term variation of magnetic and velocity fields in AR
PV Phase-II After the verification of each observable is completed, Make observations combined observables with multiple wavelengths Long-term observation (> 1 week) of an active region (We have to keep telemetry rate ~0.3 Mbps for a continuous observation) Observations of quiet regions, E-W limbs, Polar regions,… Verification of scientific performance of SOT observables at any locations Flare observations
Limb observation Ha line scan (x 3) Shuttered IQUV (Fe I 6303) (x4) FG 2.5 min/cycle BFI : 50” x 50”(0.05”/pixel) NFI : 80” x 80”(0.08”/pixel) Data rate: 0.4 Mbps (JPEG) CH G-band Check item: - SOT scientific performance at the limb Period: 0.5 day Normal mapping sec/slit ”/1step SP 40 min/map Data rate: 0.15 Mbps (JPEG) FOV : 80” x 80” Scientific objective: - Magnetic and velocity structures of prominence, spicules, and their footpoints - Polar magnetic fields
PV Phase-II After the verification of each observable is completed, Make observations combined observables with multiple wavelengths Long-term observation (> 1 week) of an active region (We have to keep telemetry rate ~0.3 Mbps for a continuous observation) Observations of quiet regions, E-W limbs, polar regions,… Verification of scientific performance of SOT observables at any locations Flare observations
Flare observation CH G-band Shuttered IQUV (Fe I 6303) (x 4) FG 1.5 min/cycle Fast mapping sec/slit ”/1step SP 7 min/map BFI : 50” x 50”(0.05”/pixel) NFI : 80” x 80”(0.08”/pixel) Data rate: 1.2 Mbps (JPEG)Data rate: 0.1 Mbps (JPEG) FOV : 32” x 80” Period: 1 hour Target: Flaring AR Ha line scan (x3) Scientific objective: Change of magnetic and velocity structures in chromosphere/photosphere for the flaring AR Check item: - Mode change of observation table form Quiet mode to Flare mode - Stress test of data transfer to Mission Data Processor 15 sec/cycle
Mercury transit Day: 2006/11/09 Check item: - Alignment between SOT, XRT, EIS, and groundbased observations - Point spread function - Scattered light Scientific objective: Diagnosis of Mercury’s atmosphere We discuss a observing plan for Mercury transit with planetary scientist. However, this day will be still in the SOT first light phase. Possibility of this observation depends on the progress of SOT instrument checkout.
PV Phase-II ObservablesWavelengthFOVCadenceDuration 1FiltergramsAll wav for BFI and NFI 4K x 2K12 min0.5 day 2Dopplergrams (with continuum obs.) Fe I 5576A Mg I 5173A 2K x 1K2 min0.5 day 3LOS magnetogram (with continuum obs.) Fe I 6302A Fe I 5250A Na D 5896A 2K x 1K2 min0.5 day 4Shuttered Stokes IQUV (with continuum obs.) Fe I 6302A Fe I 5250A Mg I 5173A 2K x 1K12 min0.5 day 5Shutterless Stokes IQUV (with continuum obs.) Fe I 6302A Fe I 5250A Mg I 5173A 64 x 1K1 min0.5 day Examples of FG observation sequences (multiple wavelength combination)