By Millard E. Lightburn, Ph.D. District Science Supervisor Curriculum Support Specialists Mary Tweedy and Keisha Kidd 05/13-5/16/20131 ELEMENTARY SCIENCE LEADERS AND COACHES DIALOGUE SESSION 6 (DATA ANALYSIS) (May 13 – May 16, 2013)
1.Welcome Remarks & Norms 2. Data Analysis: Gr 3, 4 & 5 3. Feedback on Grade 5 YAG 4. Hands-on Activities: Properties of Water 5. Human Growth and Development 6. Develop Essential Questions 7. Think Like a Scientist 8. Provide Feedback on Marlins Lessons 7. Evaluation/Follow-up 05/13-5/16/20132
Data can… provide feedback on the past and provide a basis to begin planning for the future 3 What Kind of Information can Data Provide us? 05/13-5/16/2013
4 Facilitate a clear understanding of the gaps between where the school or class is and where it wants to be. Show if school or class goals and objectives are being accomplished. Predict and prevent failures. Predict and ensure successes. Establish foundation for Continuous School Improvement/SIP. Data drives instruction, and professional development. 05/13-5/16/2013
5 Effective Use of Classroom Data Teaching Using Results Planning Student Learning Assessing Source: Dr. Yuwadee Wongbundhit 05/13-5/16/2013
RESULTS 05/13-5/16/20139
05/13-5/16/ AssessmentEnrollment Number of Students Tested Percent Tested* Average Percent Correct Percent Proficient* Baseline25,95824,14193%45%5% Fall IA26,14425,09896%49%11% Winter IA26,20123,58190%51%12% Post-Test26,20112,06546%60%29% * Proficiency level = 70% GRADE 5 INTERIM ASSESSMENTS RESULTS AssessmentEnrollment Number of Students TestedPercent Tested* Average Percent Correct Percent Proficient* Baseline23,07647%6% Fall IA24,03551%49% Winter IA24,45753%52% Post-Test8,87562%34% *Proficiency Level = 53% GRADE 5 INTERIM ASSESSMENTS RESULTS
QUESTION GROUPBASELINE FALL IA WINTER IA POST-TEST Nature of Science35% 38%40% 42%46% 48%47% 50% Earth Space Science42% 45%44% 46%54% 57%56% 59% Physical Science51% 53%51% 54%53% 56%67% 68% Life Science46% 47%55% 57%48% 49%62% 63% Number of Students Tested24, ,098 24,075 23,581 24,437 12,065 8,785 05/13-5/16/ GRADE 5 SCIENCE INTERIMS COMPARATIVE RESULTS FOR AND
Over the summer we will conduct statistical analysis of each item on the interims to determine reliability and validity. After FCAT 2.0 scores are released, MDCPS will correlate Interim scores to FCAT scale scores to set proficiency levels for interims. After FCAT 2.0 scores are released, DOE will develop cut scores for achievement levels. 05/13-5/16/201314
Grade 5 Science Interim cut scores are based on statistical regression analysis between students performance on Interim Assessment and scale scores on 2012 FCAT 2.0: Fall IA satisfactory cut score: 51% or higher Winter IA satisfactory cut score: 53% or higher (Cut Scores) 05/13-5/16/201315
DOE Report on Gr. 5 Science Content Focus from 2012 FCAT 2.0 DOE Report on Gr. 5 Science Content Focus from 2012 FCAT /13-5/16/201316
Scale Score for Each Achievement Level ( ) Scale Score for Each Achievement Level ( ) 05/13-5/16/201317
Grade 5 Science FCAT 2.0 Achievement Level Descriptions Grade 5 Science FCAT 2.0 Achievement Level Descriptions 05/13-5/16/201318
05/13-5/16/ FCAT Science - Grade 5 Year Total Students Tested % Levels 3-5 Physical/ChemicalEarth/SpaceLife/Environmental Scientific Thinking Possible Points Avg. % Correct Possible Points Avg. % Correct Possible Points Avg. % Correct Possible Points Avg. % Correct , %1669%1471%1070% , %1164%1369%1464% , %1070%1362%1457% , %1354%1362%1354% , %1450%1362%1258% , %1547%1250%1250% GRADE 5 SCIENCE FCAT RESULTS DISTRICT LEVEL
05/13-5/16/ Year School Grade Adj. Points Earned Applied Points Earned % Meeting High Standards ReadingMathWritingScience 2012B512 55%57%81%47% 2011BNA51964%71%83%47% 2010BNA52164%71%88%41% 2009BNA52162%69%88%40% 2008BNA51560%67%87%39% MDCPS DISTRICT PERFORMANCE ON FCAT 2.0 (SCIENCE INCLUDES ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE)
Actionable Data by Dr. Yuwadee Wongbundhit -School Performance Data, FCAT, Baseline and Interims /13-5/16/2013
Fourth Quarter Available on May 13, 2013 Suggested administration dates: May 20 – 23, 2013 Posttest Available on May 20, 2013 Suggested administration dates: May 28 – 31, /13-5/16/201324
The student tests and answer sheets will be posted on Edusoft ( as follows: Benchmark Exams Tab Assessments Miami-Dade District Assessments folder District Science sub-folder 05/13-5/16/ Elementary Science Leaders Session 6 PD May 2013
Marlins Community Outreach Department. The Marlins Think Tank, available to 4th, 5th, and 6th grade teachers, is an online curriculum-enhancement program that utilizes a range of teachable elements of baseball as the basis for learning. _tank.jsp _tank.jsp 05/13-5/16/201326