Psychology is the study of mental and behavioral processes.
The Biological Perspective –Behavior –Behavior is influenced by: –Genetics –Brain Chemistry –Heredity
The Behavioral Perspective n Behavior is learned from our environment. n Conditioned… Rewarded… Mimicked
The Psychoanalytic Perspective n Sigmund Freud believed that the two primary unconscious motivating forces were sex and aggression. Unconscious processes include repressed fears, and desires.
The Cognitive Perspective n Attempt to help patients by analyzing the moods and thoughts that surround a given behavior. nTnThe therapist would attempt to change the patient’s internal sentences.
The Phenomenological Perspective n All behavior is motivated by a conscious choice to self actualize (maximize one’s potential.) CARL ROGERS
You are a blooming Flower
Problems & Perspectives n ANOREXIA n Biological? n Behavioral? n Psychoanalytic? n Humanistic? n Cognitive?
Psychoanalytic n The anorexic wants to return to a child-like state n Delay or Deny sexual development n A death wish
Humanist ( Phenomenological) n Anorexic gains feeling of love and attention n Self-worth through food control.
Problems & Perspectives n ALCOHOL ABUSE n Biological n Behavioral n Psychoanalytic n Humanist n Cognitive
Psychoanalytic n Alcohol is used as an unconscious way to release anxiety n Does it mask a deeper problem?
Humanist n Alcohol gives one a false sense of worth. n User gains community, love.
Cognitive n What are the internal processes at work during drinking episodes?
Problems & Perspectives n AGGRESSION n Biological? n Behavioral? n Psychoanalytic? n Humanist? n Cognitive?
Psychoanalytic n Unconscious aggression emerging
Humanist n Is it a method to gain attention? n Planned? Goal Driven?
Cognitive n What events trigger aggressive outbursts?