Sociology 545 Social Psychology Professor Jerald Schutte Fall 2005
First Things First LogisticsPerspectiveOverview
Logistics Meeting Wednesday evenings Two Sessions: 6:00-7:15 pm and 7:30-8:45 pm Midterm Examination: 8 th week (25%) Final Examination 15 th week (25%) Leading Reading Discussion (25%) Applied Principals (25%) Plus / Minus Grading will be used
Perspective Seminar vs. Lecture Format Seminar vs. Lecture Format Insight vs. Understanding Insight vs. Understanding Online vs. F2F Online vs. F2F Proactive vs. Reactive Proactive vs. Reactive Evaluative vs. Affective Evaluative vs. Affective Participatory vs. Hands Off Participatory vs. Hands Off Collaborative vs. Individual Collaborative vs. Individual
Overview What Social Psychology is: A cognitive mediation of social action: Cognition functioning Cognition functioning Symbolic Mediation Symbolic Mediation Cost Reward Benefits Cost Reward Benefits What Social Psychology Isn’t: A “Black Box” approach to social action State-Rate Analyses a la Functionalism Stimulus-Response Mechanism a la Behaviorism
Course Conduct Two Sections to the class –Micro Theoretical Perspectives Cognitive Theory Symbolic Interaction Exchange Theory –Application of Principals Social Interaction Group Dynamics Social Institutions Collective Behavior