Addressing the conflict between cyclists and pedestrians in Ljubljana draft Luka Mladenovic, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia
Establishment of a pedestrian zone Larger number of visitors Growing numbers of cyclists
Perceived conflict pedestrians- cyclists between citizens, politicians and in media Administration considers ban of cycling in the city centre
“I walk the path you cycle” SUMMARY OF THE MEASURE: survey on conflicts between pedestrians and cyclists in Ljubljana pedestrian zone presentation of results to city politicians and decision makers actions to improve coexistence
Counting manual counting of cyclists and pedestrians in pedestrian zone 4 intervals: working day (7:30-9:30, 14h–16h, 16h-18h), Saturday (11h-13h) Densities calculated and compared to standards (PRESTO project)
Bicycle Climate Test survey survey for pedestrians and cyclists based on Trendy Travel’s survey
Key conflict points in the city centre identified (high density of pedestrians and cyclists in peak hours)
Survey results: public support for soft measures
Result: Only soft measures tested Attention zone Promotion in media Cycling with polititians News articles