执教:郑萍花 指导:李小红 刘雪玉 福建教育出版社四年级下册 My Little Bicycle.


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Presentation transcript:

执教:郑萍花 指导:李小红 刘雪玉 福建教育出版社四年级下册

My Little Bicycle

游戏规则: 屏幕随机出现一个词,持有该单词卡片的 学生要立即起立,全 班同学则要作出持手 枪的姿势指向该同学,并快速读出。比一 比哪组反应快。 bikecarbusschool bus

I go to school... How do you go to school?

she he 人名 gogoes dodoes

Fast Reaction 看谁反应最快

do do, do you do How do you go to school? does does, does Sally does How does Sally go to school? Let’s Chant

She _____to school by car. goes How does Sally go to school?

He _____to school by school bus. How does Wang Tao go to school? goes

She _____to school on foot. How does Kate go to school? goes

How does Sally’s mother go to work?


How does Sally’s mother go to work? She _____to work by bike. goes

和你的小伙伴讨论自己 和家人日常的出行方式。 A:How do you go to___________? B:I go to__________ ___________. A:How does your ______go to _________? B:He\She goes to________ ________. Lanxi park zoo Jiuli Lake Wuyi mountain Beijing England

欢唱时刻欢唱时刻 How do you go to school? By car. By car! How do you go to school? On foot! On foot! How does she go to school? By bike! By bike! How does he go to school? By bus! By bus! 两只老虎两只老虎 Unit 4 Go to School

If we use more public transportation,the earth will be happy.

Unit 4 Transportation Part A HomeworkHomework 1 、 Preview and discuss “How does your mother go to work?” with your partners. 预习下节课内容 2 、① Listen to the tape and read the text on Page 23. 听课文朗读带,并朗读课文。 ② Do a survey about your friends ’ transportation. 做一份关于交通工具的调查表 ( Choose one for your homework ①和②选择其一个 作为你的作业)

Goodbye! Thanks.