The International Body for Maritime Professionals – Supporting those in Control of Seagoing Craft.
Interested Motivated Desire for Personal / Professional Development Keeping up to date Participating in Improvement Professional Activity
Individual Membership We Listen – –5 Year Plan, letters, visits, Branches, events, ship visits, close work with stakeholders, etc… We work as a team – –Autonomous, Council, Officers, Committees, Secretariat, Branches. We produce – –Seaways, Publications, Web resources; Events, Representation (IMO, IALA, etc..) Tools and Techniques
Not for profit Professional body Qualified mariners Individual Membership Corporate Affiliates Interest in maritime matters Merchant and Naval Promoting nautical science NGO at the IMO Who Are We? Philip Wake, FNI Chief Executive
What Do We Do? Promote Professionalism Continuous Professional Development Safer Ships and Cleaner Seas Effective Commercial Operations Positive Public Image and Respect Promote Best Practice Reduced Regulatory burden Represent our Members Voices Accreditation Networking
Publications Projects Participation Services Schemes Working as a team: Council, Committees, Staff, Correspondence Groups, Branches, members, etc… How We Do It
Seaways Best Practice – Practical Guides ‘By Practitioners for Practitioners’ –Mooring Practices –ECDIS –Collecting Evidence –Bulk Carrier Operations –Ship Masters Business Companion –Bridge Team Management –Tug Use in Port –Etc… Publications
Seaways journal Every Month Delivered to about 6,000 members and a further 1,500 ships & fleet managers Over 100 countries Readership of about 20,000 Seaways
Mariners Alerting and Reporting Scheme (MARS) Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Alert! International Maritime Human Element Bulletin eNavigation (including S-Mode and ePelorus) Projects
ECDIS AIS Lifeboat Safety Fatigue Bulk Carrier Operations Etc… Forums
IMO – NGO Status Issues concerning Lifeboat Safety; Manning & Fatigue; Navigation Safety; eNavigation; Waste Management; training & competencies; etc… IALA – Sister Organisation Issues concerning eNavigation; Ship/Shore relationships; Vessel Traffic Management (VTM); MBS; etc… MOU’s with IMarEST; RINA; IALA; GlobalMET; IHMA; etc.. Participation
Currently the NI accredits training in the following areas: Dynamic Positioning Oil Spill Response Semi-Submersible Stability Hatch Cover Testing and Inspection Leadership Services
Currently the NI offers open learning schemes for: Harbour Masters Command Square Rig Sailing Endorsement Schemes
Where Are We? Our Branch Network
Role of the Branches A local professional focus and representation. A programme of technical and social events. Communication and fellowship with other nautical professionals. Assistance with updating professional development. Enhanced recruitment. Our Branch Network
IMO White List Certificate of Competency Maritime Pilot Naval Qualification NI Certificate for DP, Square Rig, Harbour Master, Command etc.. Approved qualification including: VTS Operator/manager; Marine Surveyor; Designated Person; Yachtmaster; Maritime Lawyer; Maritime Health & Welfare Officer; etc.. Membership (MNI) Capt R. Coates, FNI Past President
Associate Member (AMNI) Ratings, Boatmaster, etc.. Associate Fellow (AFNI) Held Command or Senior Management position. Fellow (FNI) Member for 5 years Significant contribution to NI or Industry Superior professional responsibility Membership - Other
“The strides towards safe, clean and secure shipping will be for nothing without qualified and experienced people to operate and manage them…”