Stakeholders Engaging Stakeholders Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Definition Has a “stake” or vested interest in a project Can vary from project to project May be directly impacted Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 2
Why Are They Needed? An asset to ODOT Help identify/define issues and concerns Typically consulted prior to introducing the project to the general public Essential to consensus building Help define community goals and desires Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 3
When Are They Identified? At the onset of project planning and development Project Initiation Package (PIP) Determine role and level of involvement If a PI Plan is not required, consultation with stakeholders may occur, as appropriate Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 4
Questions to Consider Whose involvement is needed and why? What groups or organizations may have an interest in the project? Who can influence public opinion? Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 5
Engaging Stakeholders
Consultation is Key Early and sustained involvement can lessen delays and enhance decision-making Develops a diverse community network Can help reduce or resolve controversy Ensure project expectations are met Enables individuals knowledgeable about the community to provide meaningful input Help define Purpose & Need Help define community vision, goals, and needs Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 7
PI Plan Define roles Depending on a project’s type and complexity, stakeholders may be part of a: Study and Recommendation Team Advisory Team Decision-Making Team Define stakeholder meeting rules Standard operating procedures for conducting and facilitating meetings Develop communication protocols Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 8
Paths 1 and 2 Non-Complex Path 3 As appropriate May occur if concerns arise surrounding road closures and detours May involve correspondence, conference call, or one-on-one meetings Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 9
Complex Path 3 Paths 4/5 Higher level of involvement may be needed based on context and intensity Involved during each phase of the PDP as alternatives are developed May not participate or may not be needed until later phases of the PDP Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 10
Underserved Populations Environmental Justice Title VI Strategic Engagement
Legal Requirements Executive Order Identity and address disproportionately high and adverse effects upon minority and low- income populations FHWA Order A Defines disproportionately high and adverse Civil Rights Act of 1964 American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Executive Order Limited English Proficiency Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 12
Diversity Counts “Be inclusive…when you bring more heads together, you get more answers.” Cindy Kent - Sun Sentinel Engage traditionally underserved populations Minorities Low-income Older adults Individuals with disabilities Non‐English speaking residents Ethnic groups Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 13
Equal Treatment Identify early in the process Lack of involvement commonly leads to exclusion and not being informed Every segment of the population is essential to project planning and development Enhances decision-making Unique and innovative methods may be needed to reach out to diverse populations Full and fair participation in the decision-making process must be given Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 14
Strategic Engagement
Purpose Encourage and provide opportunities to participate in the decision-making process Enable alternate viewpoints, opinions, perspectives, and ideas to be heard Address community needs Provide adequate access to project information Comply with existing laws and regulations Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 16
Be Proactive Convey information and solicit input Be a partner in the community Integrate cultural, social, and economic needs Identify issues not previously known Identify potential controversies and issues Identify opportunities to mitigate impacts Develop viable transportation solutions that address community needs 17 Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Recognize Status Quo Traditional PI participants are often: Middle to Upper Class residents Mainstream community leaders Prominent business leaders Well-educated Dual income families Homeowners 18 Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Customary Methods Conduct public meetings on weeknights between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm Conduct public meetings at locations convenient for non-transit users Public notifications in mainstream media Utilize internet and social media tools as the primary means of communication 19 Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Failure to Connect Customary methods can be ineffective due to: Reliance on schedule-oriented transit or other modes of transportation Language barriers Lack reading or writing proficiency Lack internet access Lack access to news or print media Prefer morning or afternoon meetings Work late night shifts Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 20
Connect with Everyone! Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 21
Gain Stakeholder Input Certain stakeholders may have knowledge about or are connected with and/or represent underserved populations Local officials and civic leaders Social Service providers Churches and religious organizations Senior Centers Assisted Living Communities Transportation Carriers 22 Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Specialized Meetings Advisory Committee Advisory Group Steering Committee Local community meetings Workshops Focus Groups Task Force 23 Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Low Level Project Outreach Path 1, Path 2, and Non-Complex Path 3 Property Owner Notification Letters Post notifications and information at Libraries Parks Community Centers Social service providers Churches Schools Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 24
Low Level Project Outreach Community newspapers and publications Translate materials into non-English languages As appropriate Neighborhood canvassing Community leaders present Face-to-face meetings Community leaders present Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 25
High Level Project Outreach Interact with stakeholders Translate materials into non-English languages Place notifications and advertisements in neighborhood and non-English publications Conduct meetings and hearings during convenient hours at accessible locations Provide interpreters Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 26
Exercise #1 Assign a PM Determine PDP Path Identify potential stakeholders Identify potential underserved populations . Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 27