Do Now 1. Complete the complimentary strands: 1.A A G G C G C T A T 2.G A C T A T G A T 2. Hopefully this will work. encode-thee-in-dna-sonnets-stored-on-double-helix encode-thee-in-dna-sonnets-stored-on-double-helix
Announcements Quiz on Friday Keep bringing in your science fair projects. GU plays tonight against BYU.
Agenda National Gonzaga Day! Science fair presentations Human Genome Project Clips Genetic Mapping Articles ◦ In preparation for a debate on Friday!
Happy National Gonzaga Day Happy National Gonzaga Day Why do I love Gonzaga? ◦ eG8 eG8
Science Fair Presentations Extra credit for presenting
Science fair expectations For those of us who aren’t presenting, I expect you to be courteous (do not talk while others are presenting) and ask questions at the end. If you are choosing to goof off, you are choosing to have points deducted from your own project.
Human Genome Project Completed in year project that cost roughly $3 billion Project goals: ◦ identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA ◦ determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA ◦ store this information in databases ◦ improve tools for data analysis ◦ transfer related technologies to the private sector, and ◦ address the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) that may arise from the project. ◦
Genetic Mapping What do you think genetic mapping is? ◦ We’ve briefly discussed this already. Genetic mapping - also called linkage mapping - can offer firm evidence that a disease transmitted from parent to child is linked to one or more genes. It also provides clues about which chromosome contains the gene and precisely where it lies on that chromosome.
What we’re doing today and tomorrow… Today: ◦ Watching a few video clips about genetic mapping. ◦ Reading two different articles both from the New York Times. The first talks about the lucrativeness of genetic mapping. The second talks about the insurance worries about DNA Mapping. Tomorrow: ◦ Quizzing ◦ Analyzing the debating the positives and negatives behind genetic mapping
Human Genome Project While watching, write down your questions that you have or things you find interesting. wgWpW8 wgWpW8
Articles I’d be lying if I said that these were short. You need to work with your partner to read these articles. While you are reading, write down any positives or negatives that you stumble across about genetic mapping.