AG STATISTICS Trends and Data Updated 2004, Jan
Breakdown on larger operations
1. GA 2. AR 3. AL 4. MS 5. NC 6. TX 7. MD 8. VA 9. DE
1 IA 2 OH 3 PA 4 IN 5 CA 6 GA 7 TX 8 AR 9MN 10NE
1 IA 2 OH 3 PA 4 CA 5 IN 6 GA 7 TX 8 AR 9MN 10NE
Indiana USA # of hog operations IN & USA
( was a 57% decrease)
( was an 8% decrease)
Trend looks up and up, but watch next:
See how charts and times picked influence impressions, see next:
What years you choose, and how presented, affects how it looks
Sheep and Lambs
Not reported 2003
INDIANA RANK Cattle & Sheep - January 1, 2001 Hogs & Chickens - December 1, 2001 Livestock Inventory Rank Species or Class (000) 5 Chickens, All (excl. broilers) 28,958 5 Chickens, Layers 22,500 5 All Hogs 3,150 7 Breeding Hogs Cattle on Feed ??? 16 Milk Cows 154
INDIANA RANK Cattle & Sheep - January 1, (updated 1/2/04, partial) continued Livestock Inventory Rank Species or Class (000) 28 Market Sheep & Lambs 9 12 Operations with sheep #= Ewes Beef Cows All Cattle ICE CREAM
End of Presentation DISCUSSION