3Ea P review words L ist ideas A ssign order N ote ideas in complete sentences P urpose A udience T opic H ook Describe Explain Tell a story Persuade This is about explaining : How to do something What something is about Why something is important What to do if someone is choking S tate conclusion Remember, in an emergency, it may be your first-aid skills that save a life! don’t wait too long to act If seated, may have to stand person up don’t be afraid or embarrassed hold on tightly may need to repeat several times Caution or insight S pelling C apitalization O missions P unctuation E ar older kids and adults steps to Heimlich maneuver what if someone started choking? people often choke on food Heimlich act fast 5 easy steps remain calm it can be gross may seem embarrassing knowing 1st aid can save a life stand behind the person put your arm around person’s waist place fist against the middle waist, just below rib cage with other hand grab your fist pull your fist in using a quick upward motion
3Ea Preview words List ideas Assign order Note ideas in complete sentences older kids and adultssteps to Heimlich maneuver Do you know how to save a friend who is choking? PurposeAudienceTopicHook What to do if someone is choking people often choke on food act fast 5 easy steps Heimlich maneuver remain calm it can be gross may seem embarrassing knowing f irst aid can save a life State conclusion Remember, in an emergency, it may be your first-aid skills that save a life! stand behind the person don’t wait too long to act put your arm around person’s waist If seated, may have to stand person up place fist against the middle waist, just below rib cage don’t be afraid or embarrassed with other hand grab your fist hold on tightly pull your fist in using a quick upward motion may need to repeat several times Heimlich Maneuver Do you know what to do if you are eating in the school cafeteria, or a restaurant, and your best friend chokes on a piece of hamburger? I can help you if you do not know what to do. Knowing first-aid is really important and the steps to the Heimlich maneuver are really simple. They are easy to learn and they may save your friend’s life. The first step of the Heimlich maneuver is to stand behind the person who is choking. Now if you are in a restaurant and notice your buddy turning blue, pointing to his throat, and making a gasping sound then it is time for you to make like your favorite super hero and spring into action. Don’t wait too long to act or your friend may die! Get up from your chair and go to the choking person. Next, put your arms around the person’s waist. The right spot is just below the ribs. This is not a time to be embarrassed about how this looks to everyone else in the place. Go ahead and do this step carefully. Now, with your other hand grab your fist. Remember to hold on tightly. Finally, pull your fist in using a quick upward motion. You may have to repeat this several times for it to work. Be prepared to see a piece of really gross food go sailing through the air and to hear strange sounds coming from the person right before they start saying thank you, thank you, thank you. A few of these steps may seem embarrassing and gross but in an emergency who cares? After all, it may be your first-aid skills that saves your best friend’s or someone else’s life.
This is about explaining : S pelling C apitalization O missions P unctuation E ar P review words L ist ideas A ssign order N ote ideas in complete sentences P urpose A udience T opic H ook Describe Explain Tell a story Persuade How to do something What something is about Why something is important S tate conclusion Caution or insightIdeaCaution or insightIdea Teenage girlsSmoking is deadly Some teenagers start smoking to look cool --They really cool down in a coffin. It’s really important not to start smoking X A cigarette contains deadly poisons Benzene was used to make inks, rubber, lacquers and paint remover So toxic that industry is not allowed to use it anymore Carbon Monoxide-poisonous gas reduces the amount of oxygen red blood cells can absorb. Some who commit suicide breath this from car exhaust Hydrogen Cyanide damages tiny hairs lungs use to clean themselves = build-up of toxic substances in lungs This is the same poison used in gas chambers to execute criminals! Arsenic is a poison found in ant poison & other pesticides. Arsenic is favorite poison murders use on their victims A cigarette contains cancer-causing chemicals Tar in cigarettes contain cancer-causing chemicals Cadmium is a heavy metal found in car batteries! Is extremely poisonous. Up to 20% of the total cadmium in cigarettes is inhaled Formaldehyde causes cancer, but it won’t hurt you if you’re already dead Formaldehyde is used in embalming fluid to preserve dead bodies. Nicotine is ingredient that makes cigarettes so addictive. Although nicotine doesn’t cause cancer and is not poisonous, it makes your body crave more cigarettes and that means inhaling all dangerous chemicals more and more.. Tar causes the chemicals to stick to your lungs 1 2 Look real cool cooling off in a coffin
It seems like most teenage girls are smoking these days. They usually start because they think it makes them look more mature and cool. What they don’t realize is just how cool they will get in a coffin. We’ve all heard that smoking cigarettes is bad. What you made not have heard is just what’s in cigarette smoke that’s so bad. A cigarette contains cancer-causing chemicals and poisons. The Tar in cigarette smoke contains cancer-causing chemicals. Tar causes the chemicals to stick to your lungs. One of the chemicals is Benzene. It was used to make inks, rubber, lacquers and paint remover. Benzine is so toxic that industry is not allowed to use it anymore! Another cancer –causing chemical is Formaldehyde. This stuff is used in embalming fluid to preserve dead bodies. Formaldehyde causes cancer, but it won’t hurt you if you’re already dead. Besides cancer-causing ingredients, cigarette smoke has a lot of deadly poison in it. Cadmium is a heavy metal found in car batteries! It is extremely poisonous. Up to 20% of the total cadmium in cigarettes is inhaled. Carbon Monoxide is a poisonous gas that reduces the amount of oxygen red blood cells can absorb in your body. Some people who commit suicide breath this from car exhaust to kill themselves. Hydrogen Cyanide damages tiny hairs that lungs use to clean themselves. Without these hairs, the lungs can’t get rid of the toxic substances in them. This is the same poison used in gas chambers to execute criminals! Arsenic is a another poison found smoke, and it’s also found in ant poison and other pesticides. Arsenic is favorite poison murders use on their victims. Most of us have heard that cigarettes have nicotine. Interestingly, although it has negative affects on the body, nicotine itself is not deadly. It doesn’t cause cancer and is not poisonous. However, it is the ingredient that makes cigarettes so addictive. It makes your body crave more cigarettes and that means inhaling all those dangerous chemicals more and more. The next time you are tempted to have a cigarette, you will know what’s going into your lungs.
P review words L ist ideas A ssign order N ote ideas in complete sentences P urpose A udience T opic H ook Describe Explain Tell a story Persuade This is about explaining : How to do something What something is about Why something is important S tate conclusion 4E RepublicansDemocratsIndependents x Differences between political parties People interested in elections Explaining political parties Were you confused in the last election? x Conservative – want to maintain rules & laws to protect traditional values Progressive – want to change society to make it more open and equal Support gov. programs designed to help people in need, more taxes needed Believe gov. entitlement programs don’t really help, but actually hurt Believe regulations are needed to protect citizens from abusive businesses Believe regulations impair business, hurt the economy, so less jobs, less taxes More white, professional, business-oriented, men, military, religious More minorities, blue-collar workers, women, teachers, service-oriented Tend to be ultra- conservative or ultra- progressive – Vast majority are white, college educated Want to radically reform government Some want to nearly eliminate all gov.; others want socialism conservative taxes entitlements radicals minorities values Gov. regulations progressive Regardless of whether you lean toward the Republican, Democrat, or Independent side, it’s important to be informed and participate in the political process
Political Parties The last election was pretty confusing. The candidates were so busy slinging mud at each other that it was really hard to tell what their positions really were. What is the difference between Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, anyway? To help voters who may still be confused, I’ll explain a little about these political parties. First of all, they are not really parties like birthday parties, but rather are organizations or groups of people who share beliefs about what the government should be doing. Members of the Democratic Party tend to include a wide range of different types of people, including minorities, blue-collar workers, women, teachers, and service-oriented people. These people tend to be “progressive.” This means they want more progress in society. They want to change society to make it more open and equal. Democrats tend to support government programs designed to help people in need, and they are willing to have more taxes to pay for these programs. They tend to believe that strong government laws and regulations are needed to protect people of abusive business practices, protect the environment, animals, and so forth. Many different types of people support the Republican Party, but they tend to be white, professional, business-oriented, male, military, and religious. Republicans tend to be conservative, which means they want to maintain rules and laws to protect traditional values. They usually don’t support government. entitlement programs. They think these programs don’t really help, but actually hurt the economy because they require so much tax money to pay for. Many Republican believe many government regulations impair business, hurt the economy, and this results in less jobs. They want a “free-market economy” which basically means they don’t want to government to interfere too much with what business want to do. Independents tend to support politicians they like, regardless of what political party they belong to. Most independents are well educated white citizens. Some are ultro-conservative and some are ultra-progressive. Some want to radically reform government, and some want to eliminate it almost completely. Others want a more socialistic government. Here, the government regulates almost every aspect of life. Regardless of whether you lean toward the Republican, Democrat, or Independent side, it’s important to be informed and participate in the political process.