Unit Plan
Unit Plans A unit = plans for a chunk of time, at least a week; doesn’t have to be the same official “unit” Format = what works for you Peer and instructor feedback Post unit plan and feedback on a wiki page at least five days prior to when you teach Anny needs 5 days notice to give advance feedback – Send an when you’ve posted. Share your plans with your mentor and FI!
Required Components What the unit is about (theme, chapter, pages to be “covered”) and when will the unit be taught (dates) Language and content objectives for the time period (does not have to broken down by days) List of MI standards that apply Describe major assessment ideas (how will you know if the students can do what you want them to do?) – What “product” are students working towards? List goals for the week – steps/competencies to get prepared for the assessment Connect these goals with possible learning activities Questions/Concerns: What would you like feedback on?
Sample Unit Plan What the unit is about (theme, chapter, pages to be “covered”), when will it be taught Medical Emergencies, Chapter 4, pp November Language Objectives Students will be able to describe how they feel and symptoms of illness Students will be able to ask someone else how they feel Content Objectives Students will compare the health care system in the United States with the system in Germany Students will learn about public health concerns discussed in German media
Sample Plan, cont. List of MI standards that apply 1.1.N.SL.f – Ask questions about health of friends, family, classmates and answer using a list of traits 1.1.N.SL.k – Share opinions and preferences in the target language with their classmates 1.2.N.R.b – Understand main idea of simple accessible written materials in the TL 2.1.M.E.b – Compare the economic system in a TL country with another country (as it relate to health care) 4.1.N.b – Identify basic differences and similarities in grammatical structures between one’s own language and the TL 5.2.N.b – Use authentic TL print materials and electronic media to explore topics of personal interest
Sample Plan, continued Describe assessment ideas Students will prepare and perform a skit about being sick Students will make a list of pros/cons of the U.S. and German health system and write their personal opinion Chapter test Vocabulary quizzes List goals for the week – steps/competencies to get prepared for the assessment Learn how to say, “I feel ______” (fine, queasy, sick, etc.)’ Learn how to say that something hurts, “My ______hurts.” Learn the names of common symptoms and diseases Review comprehension strategies (to prepare for text on the German health system) Review how to express an opinion, “In my opinion, x because x.”
Sample Plan, cont. Connect these goals with possible learning activities Charades – to learn vocab for symptoms and diseases Listening exercise from textbook (mother asking her son if he is sick) Workbook pages (students practice correct grammatical structure for describing physical symptoms) Watch youtube video about cancer prevention in Germany Read article about the German health care system Time to prepare skit Questions/Concerns: What would you like feedback on? Ideas for how to structure the skit project Do you think I’m trying to do too much? Should the discussion about health care systems be in the TL?
Videotape Assignment
Videotape yourself teaching for an entire class period. Check with your mentor to make sure you are following appropriate protocol. Watch the video and take notes, use the template on the assignment sheet or your own system Submit a hard copy Due anytime before December 5th
Inquiry Project
Find possible answers/insights to a REAL issue you’re facing in your internship. This can dovetail with your case study assignment for 801 if you want. Can work with a partner Write 1 page explanation of the issue, your concerns, what you’ve tried/thought so far, etc. Also include at least 5 possible explanations, points of view that are relevant to this issue – Upload to ANGEL by Nov 14
Inquiry Project, cont. Find and compile helpful resources One scholarly, research article – include the citation, one paragraph summary, and a bulleted list of ideas that seemed most useful to you Three online sites – include url, title, sponsoring organization, one paragraph summary and one paragraph evaluation for each site Consult with a practicing teacher outside your school (can be through a discussion board) – print and/or copy/paste the exchange
Inquiry Project Consult with your mentor – conversation notes Consult with another teacher at your school – conversation notes Consult with an administrator or another expert at your school (e.g. counselor, special ed teacher) – conversation notes Consult with another intern – conversation notes
Inquiry Project Show what you learned by creating a chart or some other representation Write a 2 page response to your original issue – What did you learn? What do you plan to do? What questions remain? Prepare a brief presentation to share your findings with the class
Inquiry project – 10 hours in 6 weeks Identify problem and find partner Write 1 page introduction – 30 min Find resources Research article – find, read, summarize – 2 hours Three online resources – find, read, summarize – 2 hours One consultation with teachers outside of your school (can be online) – 15 min Four conversations – take notes – 1 hour Show what you learned Create visual representation – 1 hour Write 2 page response – 1 hour Prepare presentation – 1-2 hours Due December 12