Unit Plan Unit Plans  A unit = plans for a chunk of time, at least a week; doesn’t have to be the same official “unit”  Format = what works for you.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit Plan

Unit Plans  A unit = plans for a chunk of time, at least a week; doesn’t have to be the same official “unit”  Format = what works for you  Peer and instructor feedback  Post unit plan and feedback on a wiki page at least five days prior to when you teach  Anny needs 5 days notice to give advance feedback – Send an when you’ve posted.  Share your plans with your mentor and FI!

Required Components  What the unit is about (theme, chapter, pages to be “covered”) and when will the unit be taught (dates)  Language and content objectives for the time period (does not have to broken down by days)  List of MI standards that apply  Describe major assessment ideas (how will you know if the students can do what you want them to do?) – What “product” are students working towards?  List goals for the week – steps/competencies to get prepared for the assessment  Connect these goals with possible learning activities  Questions/Concerns: What would you like feedback on?

Sample Unit Plan  What the unit is about (theme, chapter, pages to be “covered”), when will it be taught  Medical Emergencies, Chapter 4, pp  November  Language Objectives  Students will be able to describe how they feel and symptoms of illness  Students will be able to ask someone else how they feel  Content Objectives  Students will compare the health care system in the United States with the system in Germany  Students will learn about public health concerns discussed in German media

Sample Plan, cont.  List of MI standards that apply  1.1.N.SL.f – Ask questions about health of friends, family, classmates and answer using a list of traits  1.1.N.SL.k – Share opinions and preferences in the target language with their classmates  1.2.N.R.b – Understand main idea of simple accessible written materials in the TL  2.1.M.E.b – Compare the economic system in a TL country with another country (as it relate to health care)  4.1.N.b – Identify basic differences and similarities in grammatical structures between one’s own language and the TL  5.2.N.b – Use authentic TL print materials and electronic media to explore topics of personal interest

Sample Plan, continued  Describe assessment ideas  Students will prepare and perform a skit about being sick  Students will make a list of pros/cons of the U.S. and German health system and write their personal opinion  Chapter test  Vocabulary quizzes  List goals for the week – steps/competencies to get prepared for the assessment  Learn how to say, “I feel ______” (fine, queasy, sick, etc.)’  Learn how to say that something hurts, “My ______hurts.”  Learn the names of common symptoms and diseases  Review comprehension strategies (to prepare for text on the German health system)  Review how to express an opinion, “In my opinion, x because x.”

Sample Plan, cont.  Connect these goals with possible learning activities  Charades – to learn vocab for symptoms and diseases  Listening exercise from textbook (mother asking her son if he is sick)  Workbook pages (students practice correct grammatical structure for describing physical symptoms)  Watch youtube video about cancer prevention in Germany  Read article about the German health care system  Time to prepare skit  Questions/Concerns: What would you like feedback on?  Ideas for how to structure the skit project  Do you think I’m trying to do too much?  Should the discussion about health care systems be in the TL?

Videotape Assignment

 Videotape yourself teaching for an entire class period. Check with your mentor to make sure you are following appropriate protocol.  Watch the video and take notes, use the template on the assignment sheet or your own system  Submit a hard copy  Due anytime before December 5th

Inquiry Project

 Find possible answers/insights to a REAL issue you’re facing in your internship. This can dovetail with your case study assignment for 801 if you want.  Can work with a partner  Write 1 page explanation of the issue, your concerns, what you’ve tried/thought so far, etc. Also include at least 5 possible explanations, points of view that are relevant to this issue – Upload to ANGEL by Nov 14

Inquiry Project, cont.  Find and compile helpful resources  One scholarly, research article – include the citation, one paragraph summary, and a bulleted list of ideas that seemed most useful to you  Three online sites – include url, title, sponsoring organization, one paragraph summary and one paragraph evaluation for each site  Consult with a practicing teacher outside your school (can be through a discussion board) – print and/or copy/paste the exchange

Inquiry Project  Consult with your mentor – conversation notes  Consult with another teacher at your school – conversation notes  Consult with an administrator or another expert at your school (e.g. counselor, special ed teacher) – conversation notes  Consult with another intern – conversation notes

Inquiry Project  Show what you learned by creating a chart or some other representation  Write a 2 page response to your original issue – What did you learn? What do you plan to do? What questions remain?  Prepare a brief presentation to share your findings with the class

Inquiry project – 10 hours in 6 weeks  Identify problem and find partner  Write 1 page introduction – 30 min  Find resources  Research article – find, read, summarize – 2 hours  Three online resources – find, read, summarize – 2 hours  One consultation with teachers outside of your school (can be online) – 15 min  Four conversations – take notes – 1 hour  Show what you learned  Create visual representation – 1 hour  Write 2 page response – 1 hour  Prepare presentation – 1-2 hours  Due December 12