1 Quarterly Meeting Update on Energy Savings Assistance Program & CARE Program June 17, 2011 Downey, California
and 2010 Budget: This item shows the Energy Savings Assistance Program budget expended, as reported in the IOUs’ 2009 & 2010 Low Income Programs Annual Reports Authorized Budgets: These budgets are authorized from D The 2011 budget does not include carryover funds. Energy Savings Assistance Program Budget
3 Energy Savings Assistance Program Units and 2010 Units: This item shows Energy Savings Assistance Program units as reported in the IOUs’ Low Income Assistance Programs Annual Reports Targets: These are authorized unit numbers from D and do not include carry-over. SCE’s 2011 goal has been reduced to reflect the 3-year goal. Number of homes treated
4 Energy Savings Assistance Program Activity Through April 2011 PG&ESCESDG&ESoCalGas Budgets Expenditure $49,173,759$17,613,707$5,512,745$25, 919,917 Budget $156,789,038$63,413,858$20,327,606$78,256,269 Percent Expenditure 31%28%27%33% Activity Homes Treated 46,08831,5964,77245,318 Goal 124,99165,88420,384145,874 Percent Treated 37%48%23%31% Energy Savings kWh 15,490,8848,393,9471,710,522NA kW 3,1902,314170NA Therms 928,948NA95,516734,083
5 Measure Installations Through April 2011 Measures PG&ESCESDG&ESoCalGas Water Heating 36, ,08532,514 Envelope & Air Sealing 32, ,88233,085 Heating 1,265NA1,0493,454 Refrigerators 6,2446,158571NA Lighting 274,39377,47432,299NA Cooling 2,9415,65158NA
6 Energy Savings Assistance Program /CARE Outreach Based on 1st Quarter 2011 PG&ESCESDG&ESoCalGas ENERGY SAVINGS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Spanish-language newspaper ads in the San Francisco Bay Area English, Chinese, Vietnamese language radio ads in the San Francisco Bay Area Automated voice messaging and free-to-end-user text messaging to “mobile only” customers CARE: On-line enrollment Phone enrollment Direct mail Door-to-door canvassing Bill inserts Community Outreach Contractor (COC) partnerships Multicultural event participation ENERGY SAVINGS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Automated Outbound Calls to over 68,000 customers utilizing a ‘Local Connect’ feature blast campaign targeting over 200,000 CARE-enrolled customers on SCE.com’s ‘My Account’ Direct Connect Campaign targeting over 6,000 customers within Los Angeles County Direct Mailer to over 11,000 customers in Ventura County CARE: Launched CHANGES pilot to support efforts of CPUC/IOU efforts to outreach to non-English speaking consumers Launched final WBC community event to increase awareness/participation to African- American faith-based community on SCE programs Conducted a direct mail campaign for CARE/FERA programs to potentially eligible customers with special/needs and elderly customers ENERGY SAVINGS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM and CARE: English/Spanish television, radio and on-line ads to generate awareness of CARE and Energy Savings Assistance Program Quarterly campaigns Door-to-door canvassing in targeted neighborhoods ENERGY SAVINGS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Weekly direct mail Weekly automated calling campaigns CARE: Over 95,000 automated outbound calls Tweets on SDG&E Twitter page CARE information printed on 1.2 M bills ENERGY SAVINGS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Campaigns targeting bilingual CARE customers: 4.1M bill inserts 48K direct mail letters Over 165,800 Automated Outbound Calls Over 83K s promoting Energy Savings Assistance Programs CARE: Direct mail to 500k; 24k enrollments 3 rd Party door-to-door; 15k enrollments Monthly web-based campaigns; 14k enrollments 6
7 CARE Penetration Through April 2011 ParticipantsEstimated Eligible Participants Year-to-Date Penetration Rate PG&E 1,556,3081,699, % SCE 1,419,1801,446, % SDG&E 300,424359, % SoCalGas 1,736,826 1,847, %
8 Leveraging and Integration Efforts Based on 1st Quarter 2011 PG&ESCESDG&ESoCalGas LEVERAGING A portion of contractors continue to offer both ESA Program and LIHEAP WAP services where applicable. Planning was finalized for three Whole Neighborhood Approach partnerships with the Silicon Valley Energy Watch Program in Santa Clara County. INTEGRATION Uploading CARE enrollment information to create canvassing lists for Energy Savings Assistance Program contractors. Automatic CARE enrollment for Energy Savings Assistance Program enrollees. Updated resource guide for PG&E customer assistance programs. LEVERAGING Participated in corporate- sponsored ethnic Community Forums to outreach to small- businesses/non-profits that support SCE customers. Supported corporate Philanthropy initiatives by including SCE program information in East/West education efforts. INTEGRATION Continue to utilize SCE phone centers to enroll eligible participants in low-income programs. Continue to integrate program information into SCE welcome kits to new customers. LEVERAGING Energy Savings Assistance Program leveraged existing contractor relationship with Town & Country to make them an Outreach and Assessment contractor. Continue to leverage CBO relationships with the low-income community to enroll customers. INTEGRATION Continue to work with call centers to promote the low- income programs. Worked with Smart Meter, Home Area Network (HAN), and DR for the implementation of the IHD and PCT pilots. Integrated EE promotions into the Energy Savings Assistance Program customer letters. LEVERAGING Canvassing efforts began on two agreements with non- IOU municipal utilities ‘ low- income programs. Installs will begin later in the 2 nd Qtr. Agreement with Eastern Municipal Water District provides a rebate to SoCalGas for every high efficiency clothes washer installed in joint service territory. INTEGRATION Worked with EE Multi-family program to identify and outreach to residents in complexes that have a high probability of Energy Savings Assistance Program eligibility. Energy Savings Assistance Program data exchange for CARE enrollment. 8
9 Regulatory Updates 9 CARE Annual Reports – filed May 2, 2011 Energy Savings Assistance Program Annual Reports – filed May 2, 2011 Income Guideline Form updates – filed May 16, 2011 Low Income Program Applications – filed May 16, 2011