A Field of Applied Philosopy Political Ideology A Field of Applied Philosopy
What is Political Ideology? Political Ideology refers to a set of values, beliefs, opinions, assumptions, and attitudes about how society should be organized and operated. It tends to focus on the responsibilities and powers that the government should or should not have, and on the freedoms that individuals, groups, or companies should or should not have.
Political Ideologies A Sample Anarchism Communism Conservatism Fascism Liberalism Libertarianism Socialism Totalitarianism More Narrow or Focused Ideologies Feminism Environmentalism Zionism
Names for Political Ideologies While many kinds of labels are used for different ideologies, most commonly we name the alternative ideologies as “Liberal” or “Conservative”
Not Accurate Either Liberal Or Conservative
Ideology Continuum
Ideological Positions on Contemporary Issues ? Far Left----Liberal----Centrist----Conservative----Far Right There are a gazillion issues …. Should the government set a minimum wage that workers must be paid? Should the Government help senior citizens pay for prescription drugs? Should oil companies be allowed to drill for oil in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge? Should the US create a guest worker program for immigrant workers? Should public schools be allowed to hold moments of silent prayer? Should consumers pay a recyclingtax when purchasing electronic equipment with a monitor screen?
Types of Issues that Tend to Divide Conservatives and Liberals Taxes Government regulation of economic activity Government assistance to people in need Selected social issues Foreign affairs
A. Taxes The Principle Liberals Conservatives Tend to be willing to increase taxes to support programs and services they think are important. Conservatives Tend to be against raising taxes and for eliminating existing taxes.
B. Government Regulations The Principle Liberals Tend to be more supportive of government regulations in order to achieve conditions that they think are desirable. Conservatives Tend to oppose government regulations, to support freedom for businesses, and to accept the conditions that result from free business choices.
C. Services to Needy The Principle Liberals Tend to be more supportive of government programs and services for those in need of assistance. Conservatives Tend to be more supportive of individual responsibility, and to oppose government programs for those in need of assistance.
D. Selected Social Issues The Principle Liberals Conservatives It is difficult to identify “principles” that distinguish liberals and conservatives on the divisive social issues. We simply need to learn where different ideology groups stand on the various issues.
E. Foreign Affairs The Principle Liberals Tend to believe that: The US is only one of many nations The US should act with respect and collaboration toward other nations The US should not use money or military to force our will on other nations The US should respect and work within the UN Conservatives Tend to believe that: The US is the most important nation The US should exert pressure on and compete with other nations The US should do what it can to best serve its own interests The US should not feel constrained in any way by a feeble UN
Taxes Should the wealthy be given a tax reduction? Should the car registration fee be lowered in this time of economic crisis? Should the sales tax be increased from 8.75% to 9.00% to put more cops on the streets in Salinas? Should taxes be raised in order to insure that all eligible students can attend a CSU campus? Should the number of low-income children provided health care be reduced in order to lower taxes?
Government Regulation of Business Examples Requiring time-and-a-half for overtime work Setting a minimum wage Establishing workplace health and safety standards Requiring environmental impact reporting Enforcing truth-in-advertising standards Preventing monopolies and unfair competition practices Monitoring business accounting procedures Requiring equal opportunities for disabled workers Demanding some contracts be awarded to female and minority companies Requiring agribusiness to negotiate contracts with farmworkers
C. Government Assistance to Those in Need Examples Prescription drugs for the elderly Grants and loans for college students Subsidized education for CSU students Daycare services Health insurance Education programs for underachieving students Job training programs Unemployment benefits Leaves from work for childbirth, family illness, work injury Foreign aid to countries experiencing starvation, health crises, natural disasters
D. Divisive Social Issues Examples Abortion Gun control English only vs. Language diversity Capital punishment Immigration Prayer and religious symbols in government activities Gay & lesbian marriage Multiculturalism The Patriot Act
E. Foreign Affairs Examples Use of war How U.S. should work with other countries The role of the United Nations Immigration policies and practices Foreign aid NAFTA and other “free trade” agreements Globalism and multinational corporations World Trade Organization and the World Bank Embargo against Cuba Cultural exchange programs
Ideology and Political Parties Far Left Liberal Moderate Conservative Far Right
Ideology and Political Parties Democrat Far Left Liberal Moderate Conservative Far Right Republican
Ideology and Political Parties Libertarian P & F Green Democratic Far Left Liberal Moderate Conservative Far Right Republican Am. Independent
Ideology Distribution of the US Population
So, how would you describe your personal political ideology ? Where do you stand on the Liberal-Conservative continuum?