Ch. 9 A culturally Relevant Anti-Bias Activities Any genuine teaching will result, if successful, in someone’s knowing how to bring about a better condition of things than existed earlier. -John Dewey
Unit Themes Many common early childhood themes can be expanded to include multicultural values. (themes below) I’m me and I’m specialBooks Boys and GirlsOur Community Places People LiveClothes we wear FriendsFood we eat Toys and GamesAlike and different FamiliesFeelings TransportationHeroes and Sheroes
Planning Multicultural Curriculum Whether planning curriculum alone or with a teaching team, you’ll want to consider all of the elements of an early childhood classroom.
Using the Curriculum Planning Form Theme Decide on the theme and the length of time the class will spend on that unit. Basic Concepts Write down the basic concepts and ideas to which the children will be exposed through the activities offered in this unit Special dates Include children’s birthdays and anything special in the month Field- trips/visitors Try to take one field trip each month Cooking activities/snacks Plan cooking experiences that support the unit theme Visual displays Think of displays that support the concepts you are trying to teach the children Parent newsletter Write on what is happening in your classroom esp what the unit is Classroom environment Rotate and have purpose in your classroom
Individualized Planning Experienced teachers who have become comfortable and confident in their curriculum planning can take their skills one step further by designing curriculum based on individual children’s developmental abilities and interests
Planning Multicultural Activities Preschool children are not ready to learn just facts about different culture. Avoid focusing on the following o Names of countries o Locations of countries o National flags o Historical events o The concepts of city, state, and nation o Revolutions and wars o Past presidents and rulers Also be mindful on limiting the topics because it can reinforce stereotypes. o Foreign foods o Traditional costumes o Holidays and celebrations o Cultural artifacts
Multicultural Concepts Young Children can Understand Build your multicultural curriculum around activities that focus on these concepts Everyone is worthy Everyone is lovable and capable Everyone is equal Everyone deserves respect Everyone is important Everyone has feelings People are similar People are different Some physical characteristics stay the same. Some physical characteristics change It is important to try new experiences We can learn about the daily of people we know