Writing to Persuade 推销函.


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SCI 数据库检索练习参考 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读 者可以根据题目进行另外的检索练习,如: 可将 “ 与 ” 运算检索改为 “ 或 ” 、 “ 非 ” 运算检索 等等。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读.
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Presentation transcript:

Writing to Persuade 推销函

Be able to grasp the format and the content of a sales letter Sales Letters Objectives Be able to grasp the format and the content of a sales letter know how to write a sales letter according to the situation

Task Description Huaqiang Company has established a program of Art for Work providing original artworks for office buildings. Mr. Liu required to write a sales letter to introduce the products of this program to customers.

Task Analysis 1.What is the function of a sales letter? Huaqiang Company has established a program of Art for Work providing original artworks for office buildings. Mr. Liu required to write a sales letter to introduce the products of this program to customers. 2.What are the basic content included in a sales letter? 3.What is the appropriate tone applied in a sales letter? 4.Could you sum up some tips to attract the readers’ (potential customers’) attention when designing and writing a sales letter?

Nature of Sales Letters Persuasive writing: to make a reader accept a message and then act according to the message Key to success: to satisfy your readers' needs for health, wealth, pleasure, or curiosity

A four-step process: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Action -- make the action clear & easy -- offer an inducement -- limit the offer -- make payment easy Attention -- offer -- product feature -- inside address opening -- startling statement -- story Interest -- emotional appeal -- rational appeal Conviction / Desire -- use objective language -- provide testimonials

Sample Study getting attention with a question, or statement to create suspense arousing interest with the advantage of your product or service proving benefits of the product or service motivating action of placing an order

Situation The following is an ineffective sales letter written to camera owner by a sales representative, according to the skills that we have learned; improve the sales letter to make it more effective.

Writing Your Message Dear Camera Owner: Hi! I'm Jim Johnson and I'm asking you to continue to use Kent Color Labs for the processing of your film. We've been in business for a long time and our customers tell us they are quite satisfied with our service and the quality of our processing. We feel that you can't get better prices anywhere. We are also very proud of our guarantee. No matter what we receive from you, you don't risk a cent. We offer a whole range of other services--reprints, posters, slides, disks, and much more. Furthermore, we are very careful with your film; we treat it as we treat our own. Are you tired of asking yourself, "Where should I get my film developed?" Well, Kent Color labs are the place to go. We rely on the U.S. mail for our business, and this letter is our way of asking for your business. Send us your next roll of film to be developed as soon as you finish it. Yours Sincerely,

Discussion for Ineffective sales Letter to Camera Owner 1. Does the opening grab your attention? 2. Is a central selling point developed? 3. Is the letter written from the reader's perspective? 4. Should this letter develop rational or emotional appeals? 5. Does the letter use concrete examples? 6. Does it build confidence in the product or service? 7. Does it stimulate action in the closing?

Ways of Thinking 1. Know your audience and use a concrete example as attention getter. 2. Create interest and desire with Rational appeal, and written from the reader's perspective. 3. Build confidence in the product or service. 4. Stimulate action in the closing.

Key to Writing Your Message Dear Camera Owner: Amy Evans, of Houston, Texas, recently wrote to us saying, "I just wanted to let you know that the pictures you developed for me earlier were the best pictures I have ever received. And I can't believe I received them so quickly!" If you are looking for quality film developing, speedy turnaround, and, most importantly, reliability--consider Kent Color Labs. Here's why our customers keep returning: You get low film processing prices and excellent quality. You get a whole range of services--reprints, enlargements, giant photo posters, wallet photos, slides, movies, disks, and more. You get film mailing envelopes made from special long-fibered paper making them stronger than normal envelopes. You get convenience--no more standing in line at the drugstore or camera store. And it's fun to receive mail! --- a concrete example as attention getter ----to create interest and desire with rational appeal, and written from the reader's perspective

Key to Writing Your Message We're best known, however, for our reliability. We've been in business for more than 47 years. The minute we receive your order, it's processed! You can count on that every time. Because we're so certain that you will be pleased, we guarantee every roll of film. If you're not satisfied, simply return the whole package. We will cheerfully refund your money and send you free film and a coupon to process that film free. This is the best guarantee in the business. We want your return business. Right now, finish that film in your camera. Grab a pen, complete the enclosed mailer, and drop it in the mail. Sincerely, P.S. If you respond within one week, we'll process your order at an additional savings of 20 percent. --- prove benefits of the product or service --- stimulate action in the closing --- re-stimulate action

The format of a sales letter Summary The format of a sales letter A sales letter should arouse the readers’ interest first, then make a good description of the recommended goods or services and the benefits the customers can get by, next it can offer proof to the above description, and last the sales letter should persuade customers to take action.

Sample Sentences Getting attention We have been exporting various electric appliances for many years and have enjoyed good reputation among our customers. Why not enjoy the colorful spring by joining our tourist group after a busy winter? Would you be interested in a car which runs on neither conventional gas nor electric power? Would you like to reduce your rising domestic fuel costs? Wouldn’t it be magic to... Have you ever felt anything quite as soft and quite as strong? Name your favorite Granny cookie and win a $30 gift certificate!

Sample Sentences Getting attention Act now and get a $50 rebate! Act now and win a free Alpha ISDN modem of your choice! We at VoiceTech would like to offer you a new product that would help you improve your work efficiency. Let me highlight this exciting system for you. Mercury 808 digital telephone is a high performance instrument for an easily affordable price. Our products are being retailed in leading department stores throughout Europe. Our products appeal to a wide age-group.

Sample Sentences Arousing interest Dread cleaning up the dirty windows of your house? We will do it for you at a price you can't afford to pass up! How to become a Citizen of the World without leaving the comfort of your home? We'll make it possible for you! The rugs are hard wearing, and do not soil easily. You will find that the consignment supports our claim to sell the best rugs of this kind at a reasonable price at any time to any persons. Compared with other products, this product has the advantage of… Unlike other products, our product is superior in terms of performance, physical features and etc. A discount of 2% on the total value will be granted if you could make payment within 15 days of delivery. They are 20% lower in cost compared with our precious ones and other competitors. I am certain that you will be interested in our new toothpaste.

Sample Sentences Proving benefits The large memory of our handheld PC will allow you to run the latest, most sophisticated software. No more need for a separate fax machine. Our high-speed modem provides hassle-free online access. With our DX200 Digital Phone, you'll get the whole world at your fingertips! To celebrate the opening of our new store, we'll take 10% off any item you purchase before May 31. We'll offer you a limited number to be sold at 15% below list prices. On these sales we shall allow you a special discount of 10%. You will receive a special discount of 15%, an offer to be maintained until May 31this offer is good through May 31

Sample Sentences Proving benefits The program will run from May 15 to May 31. You may be able to profit from special terms on your initial order. You will be pleased to find that GreenMart gives you 15% off the normal retail price. We offer special savings programs based on the number of machines ordered. Now, thanks to breakthroughs in micro-chip technology, we can offer you a digital camera at prices far lower than you would expect to pay. The enclosed coupons will enable you to sample a wide range of our products at a 20% discount.

Sample Sentences Motivating action To take advantage of this special offer, CALL NOW! To order, call today 1-800-000-0000. Go ahead and win a most stylish Eleganza Watch of your choice! Hurry! The contest ends May 31. Act now! This offer ends May 31. This offer ends May 31 and will not be repeated. If you are not completely satisfied, return… to us with no obligation. Try this product for 15 days. Then go back to your old… We guarantee you won’t want to go back. Fill in the enclosed order from and return it with a check, we will effect the shipment immediately upon the receipt of your order.

How to write an effective sales letter 一封有吸引力的促销函可以按照以下五个方面来写 No. 1 Self-introduction 自我介绍(针对新客户) [可简单告知如何得知对方信息,本公司性质及表达建立业务关系的愿望] NO. 2. Draw readers’ attention 引起对方注意 由于促销函是“不请自来的”,因此这一段的内容一定要抓住客户的心理,使内容更有诱惑力和吸引力。同时要注意简洁 NO.3 Arouse readers’ interest or curiosity引起读者的兴趣和愿望 抓住客户注意力后,要趁热打铁劝说他们购买自己的产品,强调产品的质量,特性,原材料及和同类产品相比最出彩的地方 NO.4 Make a commitment 作出承诺 通过介绍产品引起读者购买欲望后,应该进一步加强其购买决心,可以详细说明并保证产品会给读者带来好处 NO.5 Make an action 作出行动 促使客户采取行动,购买产品。语气应礼貌坚决

一、说明信息来源,即如何取得对方的资料 作为贸易商,可以有各种途径来了解客户资料,如通过驻外使馆商务参 赞处、商会、商务办事处、银行、第三家公司的介绍; 或在企业名录、各种传媒广告、互联网上寻得;或在某交易会、展览会上 结识;甚至是在进行市场调查时获悉。因此,我们也有各种表达方式来说 明信息来源,例如: We learned from the Internet that you are well experienced in the import of engineering equipment. 我们从网上获悉贵方在工程设备进口业务方面经验丰富。 We owe your name and address to The Journal of commerce. 我们从《商业日报》得知贵公司的名称和地址

二、言明去函目的 一般说来,出口商主动联系进口商,总是以扩大交易地区及对 象、建立长期业务关系、拓宽产品销路为目的。 例如: We are writing to you to establish long-term trade relations with you. 我们希望通过此信件与贵公司建立长期的业务合作关系。 We are willing to enter into business relation with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 我方愿意与贵方在平等互利的基础上建立贸易关系。

三、本公司概述 我们这里所说的公司概述,包括对公司性质、业务范围、宗旨等基本情 况的介绍以及对公司某些相对优势的介绍, 例如,经验丰富,供货渠道稳定,有广泛的销售网等。例如: We are one of the leading companies and exporters of electric home appliances in China. 我们是中国一家大型的家用电器生产商和出口商。 We are writing to introduce ourselves to you as a company specializing in the export business of sports shoes. 兹有幸自荐,本公司是一家专门从事运动鞋出口的公司。

四、产品介绍 通常只就公司经营产品的整体情况,如质量标准、价格水 平、目前销路等,作较为笼统的介绍。举例如下: Be popular for their modern designs, fine quality and reasonable price. 由于设计新颖、质量上乘、价格合理而深受欢迎。 Our products have a good market in over 30 countries and regions because of their high quality and favorable price. 我们的产品质量上乘、价格优惠,畅销30多个国家。 All our textile products feel comfortable, pleasant colors and good quality. 我们所有的纺织品均手感舒适、色泽柔和、质量上乘

五、寄送产品目录或相关资料 附上目录、报价单或另寄样品供对方参考也是公司经常采 取的做法,对产品进行具体的推荐性介绍 In order to give you a general idea of our goods, we are sending you our latest catalogue. 为使贵方更好的了解我们的产品,现特寄上我方最新产品 目录。 In reply to your letter of August 7,we are sending you two copies of our brochure for your reference. 敬回复你方8月7日来函,特寄去我司产品手册两份,仅 供参考。

六、激励性结尾 其他商业促销信函一样,在结尾部分,我们通常都会写上一两句 希望对方给与回应或劝服对方立即 采取行动的语 句,例如: We are looking forward to your specific inquiries。 我们期盼您的具体询价。 We are looking forward to your reply soon. 我们期待您 早日的答复

Task Translate the following sentences: 1. We have pleasure in sending you a copy of our catalogue, which includes details and prices of our complete range of telephones. 2. We would particularly like to draw your attention to our new set of greeting cards, which you will find on page 8 of the catalogue. 3. Reserve your car now and let us take the worry out of your travel arrangements. 4. We are most gratified that you have selected our products for years. 5. We are glad to obtain your name and address from the latest Caton Trade Fair 我们很高兴为您献上一份我们生产的电话的目录,这里面包括各类电话的详细说明及价格。 特别希望您能注意一下目录第8页上那一系列新的贺卡。 请现在就来租车, 让我们带走你旅途中的烦恼。 非常感谢贵公司长期以来选择我们的产品。 我们非常高兴从最近的广交会上得知了贵公司的名称和地址。

Task Translate the following sentences: 6.随信寄上一份我方的新产品目录表供您参考。 7.我们的新产品全都设计精美,在贵区域的市场前景非常广阔。 8.你可以免费试用两周我们新开发的手机。 We enclose an illustrated catalogue of our new items for your information. Our new items are all nicely designed and would have a promising market in your. You can try our newly-developed cell phone for two weeks absolutely free. 9.该产品受到国内外消费者的赞誉和青睐。 This product is highly praised and appreciated by the customers at home and abroad. 10. 这项产品是我们最新的技术成果。 This product is the result of our latest technology.

Assignment: Directions: write a sales letter according to the given situation. As the summer school holiday approaches, your company Sweet Treat decided to promote the company’s homemade ice cream to the parents. Write a persuasive sales letter as the first step of the product promotion.