Scenario 1 North/South Boundary New students from St. Copperfield school boundary (south of orange line on map) 2009: K-Gr2 2010: K-Gr3 2011: K-Gr4 Mini SchoolSt. Albert Allows siblings from Copperfield and New Brighton 2009: K-Gr9 2010: K-Gr6 2011: K-Gr6 All students from East McKenzie in the following grades: 2009: : Gr : Gr7-9 St. Cranston Comments Kindergarten students who are currently attending St. Albert school and live within the proposed St. Copperfield boundary will be directed to attend the mini-school for Grade 1. Students entering school who have older siblings at St. Albert will be able to attend St. Albert. Mini-school families preferring a “bricks & mortar” school will have the option of being bussed to other District school (a range of options is under consideration).
Scenario 1 North/South Boundary
Scenario 2 East/West Boundary K-Gr3 students who reside in the communities of New Brighton (outside of walk limit) and Copperfield 2009:K-Gr3 2010:K-Gr3 2011:K-Gr3 Mini SchoolSt. Albert All K-6 students who reside in Elgin, Inverness, Prestwick, or New Brighton (within walk limit) plus all 7-9 students from the East McKenzie area 2009:K-Gr9 2010:K-Gr9 2011:K-Gr9 St. Cranston Gr4-6 students who reside in the communities of New Brighton (outside of walk limit) and Copperfield 2009:GR4-6 students will remain at St. Albert 2010:Gr :Gr4-6 Comments Defines the two school communities right away. This scenario will allow flexibility for Junior High students to attend St. Cranston with younger siblings.
Scenario 2 East/West Boundary
Scenario #3 St. Albert Capping K: All new Kindergarten students excluding St. Albert siblings will be accommodated in a Mini School 2009:K 2010:K 2011:K Mini SchoolSt. Albert Students currently attending St. Albert school will continue to be accommodated at St. Albert School. Younger siblings will also be admitted at the Kindergarten entry level Other District Schools 1-9: All new Gr 1-9 students will be accommodated in other District schools. 2009: : : 1-9 Comments This is one illustration of a capping model: alternatives may include kindergarten students being housed at other Districts Schools with the ability of older siblings being able to join them. With this model, new students would not have access to St. Albert the Great, no matter where they lived.
Scenario 4 Youngest Students in Mini-school All students from East McKenzie in the following grades: 2009: K, Gr1 2010: K, Gr1 2011: K, Gr1 Mini School St. Cranston All students from East McKenzie, except for those attending the mini-school or St. Cranston: 2009: Gr : Gr : Gr2-6 All students from East McKenzie in the following grades: 2009: : :Gr7-9 St. Albert Comments This scenario has some advantages from a program delivery perspective. District has utilized in the past and it has proved effective.