A Global Learning Community Watauga High School 2010 Empowering 21 st Century Citizenship
INTEGRATED OUTCOMES FOR STUDENTS What are the skills, knowledge and expertise students should master to succeed in work and life? Core Subjects & 21st Century Themes Core subjects include English, reading or language arts, world languages, arts, mathematics, economics, science, geography, history, government and civics. We believe schools must move beyond a focus on basic competency in core subjects to promoting understanding of academic content at much higher levels by weaving 21st century interdisciplinary themes into core subjects: Global Awareness Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy Civic Literacy Health Literacy
INTEGRATED OUTCOMES FOR STUDENTS What are the skills, knowledge and expertise students should master to succeed in work and life? Learning and Innovation Skills Learning and innovation skills are what separate students who are prepared for increasingly complex life and work environments in the 21st century and those who are not. They include: Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication and Collaboration
INTEGRATED OUTCOMES FOR STUDENTS What are the skills, knowledge and expertise students should master to succeed in work and life? Information, Media and Technology Skills People in the 21st century live in a technology and media-driven environment, marked by access to an abundance of information, rapid changes in technology tools and the ability to collaborate and make individual contributions on an unprecedented scale. To be effective in the 21st century, citizens and workers must be able to exhibit a range of functional and critical thinking skills, such as: Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy
INTEGRATED OUTCOMES FOR STUDENTS What are the skills, knowledge and expertise students should master to succeed in work and life? Life and Career Skills Today’s life and work environments require far more than thinking skills and content knowledge. The ability to navigate the complex life and work environments in the globally competitive information age requires students to pay rigorous attention to developing adequate life and career skills, such as: Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity and Accountability Leadership and Responsibility
ACHIEVING 21 st CENTURY OUTCOMES Facilities, Equipment & Design LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Wireless & Wired Communications Bidirectional Access for Knowledge Acquisition, Organization, Creation & Sharing of Information (Independently & Collaboratively) Personal Learning Devices (computer) Projection Tools Content Management & Creative Resources
ACHIEVING 21 st CENTURY OUTCOMES Facilities, Equipment & Design Student Furniture
ACHIEVING 21 st CENTURY OUTCOMES Professional Development & Support Human Capital Development (PLCs)—Mindware Curriculum Development Content Standards, Guides, Integration Instructional Support (Student-Centric) Differentiated Instruction, Concept Mapping, PBL³, Brain-based strategies, Formative Assessment, Inquiry, Student Grouping, Engagement Empowering Tools (Hardware & Software/Webware)
ACHIEVING 21 st CENTURY OUTCOMES TargetGradeActionCostFundsStatus OngoingPK-12Prof. Dev.$30,000$0.00Ongoing Aug. 09K-8Dig. Proj.$226,000$0.00Completed August 2009PK-12Media Retrieval System $90,000$0.00Completed August 2009PK-12School Fusion Interactive Site $12,000$0.00Completed August Personal Learning Devices $1,200,000 Ongoing August 2010K-8200 Interactive White Boards $240,000 Ongoing August 2011PK-8Wireless Infrastructure $680,000 Ongoing August Personal Learning Devices $550,000 Ongoing
ACHIEVING 21 st CENTURY OUTCOMES 1:1 Computing Device Implementation Team Members/Roles Superintendent – Dr. Hemric School Leadership – Mr. Wyant, Dr. Dillman, Mr. Link, Mrs. Stamey School Technology Leadership Team – Designated Teachers Project Manager – Scarlet Davis Communication & Human Resources – Marshall Ashcraft, Marshall Gasperson Financial Plan & Grant writer – Dr. Hemric, Scarlet Davis, Ly Marze Infrastructure – CO Tech Team (Jon Triplett, Lance Schoychid, Mike Richter) Curriculum and Pedagogy – Billie Hicklin, Dr. Dillman Exceptional Children – Elizabeth Phillips, Amy Moore Visitation – Dr. Hemric, Scarlet Davis, Marshall Ashcraft Professional Development – Billie Hicklin, Dr. Dillman, Scarlet Davis, Laura Carson, Nancy Zeiss Deployment – CO Tech Team, Laura Carson, Nancy Zeiss AUP/Discipline Policies and Procedures – CO Tech Team, Laura Carson, Nancy Zeiss Assessment, Research & Reporting – Scarlet Davis, Billie Hicklin, Marshall Ashcraft Hardware Representatives - To Be Determined by Vendor Selection