Discovering the Solar System Third Grade Wonders/Treasures Pages Strategies: Chunk/Chew/Summarize, PBL, Rank/Order/Retell, Who/What/Where/When/Why
Scaffolding Reading Before we read, what do we know about the Solar System?
Let’s Start Reading using Multi-Voiced Reading
Scaffolding Reading While we read, what have we learned about the Solar System?
Scaffolding Reading After we read, what do we know now about the Solar System?
Chunk/Chew/Sum marize ______ Read one paragraph at a time, think about what you are reading, and then find the three most important ideas from the paragraph and write them down next to the paragraph.
Create Sentences ______ After you have the three most important ideas from each paragraph, start back at the first paragraph and create one sentence with each of 3 words.