Egg Lab
Problem: What will happen to an egg put in vinegar? Hypothesis:
Problem: What will happen to an egg (without the shell) that is put in syrup? Hypothesis:
Problem: What will happen to an egg (without a shell) that remains in Vinegar? Hypothesis:
Problem: What will happen to an egg (without a shell)in Mountain Dew? Hypothesis:
Problem: What will happen to an egg (without a shell) in bottled water? Hypothesis:
Problem: What will happen to an egg (without a shell) in Dr. Pepper? Hypothesis:
Procedure: 1. Put raw eggs in vinegar for 2 days and observe. 2. Take one of the eggs that has been soaked in vinegar and put in Syrup (hypertonic environment). Observe. 3. Put one of the eggs in water. 4. Keep one in vinegar (hypotonic environment). Observe. 5. We also tried other solutions (mt. dew, Dr. Pepper, bottled water) and observed.
Results: Two column data table with type of environment and observations as column labels. Remember Title, rows and columns, neatness.
Conclusion: A paragraph with the format: Did you support your hypotheses? Refer to Results/observations. Finish with sources of error. (Too small of a sample population is always a really good one!)
Pg 40, #2-5 equivalent statements: 1000g = 1 kg 1000m= 1 km 1,000,000ug = 1g 1,000,000umol = 1 mol 1000mL= 1 L 1,000,000 cm 3 =1m 3 1mL = 1cm 3
10/19: Chemistry= BR, 32 Objective: Do Page 40, # 2, 3, 4, 5. Answers will be put on board. Quiz on Wed. over dimensional analysis. Problems on quiz will be just like these. Both Lab reports (egg and gummy bear) are due tomorrow. Use Rubric to assure yourself of a good grade.
10/19, Biology= BR, Page 126 Objective: Students will be able to tell me why cells are small and label the parts of a chromosome and explain its purpose. Put exit ticket at the corner of table with your name on it. Work on Lab Report that is due tomorrow (use rubric to assure yourself of a good grade)or notebook 5.1, 5.2 which will be checked tomorrow.