TAXONOMIC PROCESS AND RANKS Kingdom-Highest Classification Ranking (5) Plantae-Plants Animalia-Animals Monera-Bacteria and Blue-Green Algae Protista-All other Algae and Protozoans Mycota-Fungi Phylum-Second Classification Ranking Plantae- Phylums are unranked Classified by reproductive structure and Vascular structure Class- Third Classification Ranking Specific to plant structure and presence of/ kinds of seeds Image retrieved from: ogical_classification
SUBKINGDOMS Thallobionta Contains plants lacking True roots Stems Leaves Composed of 10 divisions of algae and fungi Algae and Fungi no longer classified in Plantae Kingdom Embryobionta Composed of two groups Bryophyta Vascular Plants
BRYOPHYTES Non-Vascular Plants Simple structure Lack true roots, stems, and leaves Found in moist places or in water Liverworts and mosses (see photo) Image retrieved from:
VASCULAR PLANTS Plants have true roots, stems, and leaves Established vascular system Xylem and phloem Contains 7 divisions 3 represented by very few species 1 extinct Only known in fossils Polpodiophyta-Ferns Pinophyta-Gymnosperms Magnoliophyta-Angiosperms Image retrieved from: Image retrieved from: /Vascular_tissue
This is the basic structure of plants Image retrieved from: ogy_place/biocoach/plants/basic.html
ROOTS Functions Anchor plant Absorb water and minerals from the soil Food Storage Root Systems consist of Primary Root Grows from the embryo Secondary Root Branches of the primary roots Often fibrous Become permanent roots of most monocotyledons Root Hairs Special cell extensions at tip of roots Absorbs water and minerals Image retrieved from:
ROOTS Image retrieved from: ntent- entId=210 Image retrieved from: how-does-your-produce- grow
STEMS Form the above-ground structure for plants Attachment for leaves, flowers, and fruits Contain Vascular system of plant Made up of Xylem and Phloem Differ in Monocots and Dicots Bears leaves and buds Nodes-point on Stem where leaf is or was attached Area between nodes are internodes Image retrieved from: com/staff/jaskew/I SR/botzo/botanyi ntro.htm
LEAVES Main function is to make food and other chemicals for the plant Parts of complete leaves Blade-broad, thin part of the leaf Petiole-narrow, cylindrical part Stipule-small, leaf-like attachments Not all leaves have stipules Parts of grass leaves Blade Sheath-at the base of the blade surrounding the stem Ligule-a collar-like piece at the base of the blade and top of the sheath Auricles-surrounds the stem at the junction of the blade and sheath Image retrieved from: aves.html Image retrieved from: folded-leaved-panic-grass-p- 670.html
LEAVES SimpleCompound Image retrieved from: herbarium/trees/simple_compound_leaves 01.htm
REFERENCES Parker, R. (2010). Plant and Soil Science: Fundamentals and Applications. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar. Plant Stem photos: 1)Image retrieved from: 2)Image retrieved from: quality-affects-corn-growth-and-yieldhttp:// quality-affects-corn-growth-and-yield 3)Image retrieved from: