What YOU Can Do! Far North ICT Educator Conference November 2, 2013 Increasing ICT Student Diversity
Why it Matters The face of ICT is White and Asian Male – 40% of the population The majority of CC student bodies in CA are made up of racial minorities, immigrants, and low-income students Underrepresented populations in ICT education and the workforce continue to decline
CCC ICT Enrollment Between 2008/09 and 2010/11 Latino students up 2% Black students down 4% Native American down 39% Female students down 3% MPICT (2012) California Community College ICT Student Enrollment and Demographics: A Study of Enrollments and Demographics Related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) In California Community Colleges 2008/09 –2010/11
Not Just an ICT Issue RP Group CTE Employment Outcomes Survey CC skill-builder success story Based on Peter Bahr research, a disappointing for diversity Why do they leave? Skill- or course-specific attrition that escalates
ICT is Hard Enough Already! For most, ICT education is hard work and susceptible to distractions, low self- esteem, and discouragement Add life experiences, culture, limited exposure, stereotype threat Those that succeed have the “grit” fueled by a personal vision or goal
Barriers to Access and Success Financial strain, a lack of connection to diverse role models, and limited information on ICT roles and pathways Lack the confidence and perception that ICT is a viable career goal Blacks and Latinos in underserved, low- income communities are not as digitally literate as their counterparts in other better-served, middle-class communities Lack of access to role models and teachers in ICT that reflect students’ own cultural backgrounds Why does it take “grit” and perseverance?
“The only way we can ensure that kids who have different backgrounds, learning styles, and experiences get an equal educational opportunity is if they have teachers who know how to teach content well and how to reach diverse learners.” Linda Darling-Hammond Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education at the Stanford Graduate School of Education
What You Can Do Use perspective-taking Be more self-aware Be curious Mine for the reason they are there
Empathy as Perspective Taking Empathy defined – identification with and understanding of another’s situation, feelings, and motives Perspective taking – stepping into another’s worldview; understanding their beliefs, fears, experiences that shape how they view the world and themselves
Empathy as Humanizing Our assumptions and prejudices block us from seeing the uniqueness and individuality of others Highly empathic people get beyond labels by nurturing a curiosity about others Assumptions and prejudices dehumanize; empathy creates a humanizing connection Empathy is learned with time and experience connecting with others.
Find a Passion Perseverance comes from setting goals that are linked to a vision or passion Obstacles and barriers are less distracting and deterring Perseverance and persistence gives one grit, defined as “maintaining an interest in goals despite obstacles, adversity or failure.”
My Belief Faculty can make the education pathway to careers in ICT a humanizing experience that builds the confidence and perseverance their students need to succeed in challenging classroom and work environments. They do so by connecting with students in a way that is empathic of the communities, cultures and socio- economic circumstances from which each student shows up and enables the discovery and leverage of their passions
Questions to Consider How do you make humanizing connections with each of your students? How do you "humanize” yourself in order to project that connection to students? Is your approach empathic to the student's community, culture and perspective? How do you help a student connect a goal to a passion, whatever it is?
Opportunities Tap into the diverse majority Close the gap between the supply of ICT professionals produced by the educational system and industry demands. Improve the quality of life for individuals who have traditionally been overlooked
Tools and Resources MPICT Diversity Resources including a Toolkit, Link to a Community of Practice, other Resources See ICT Educator Resources for Improving Diversity in ICT at mpict.org ICT Educator Resources for Improving Diversity in ICT ICT Demographic Study hics_ pdf hics_ pdf Career Ladders Project’s Diversity in California ICT Workforce and Education Study, to be released late Fall 2013
Toolkit Structure Overview of the diversity-in-ICT landscape Making a case for and facilitating change Strategies and tools for achieving broad or specific diversity goals How users can contribute and stay current on new practices, current data, and innovative thought
Making the Case for Change Assess your situation Set goals Raise awareness Facilitate change
General Strategies, Practices & Tools Raising awareness Outreach, recruitment and preparation Engaging and retention- focused curriculum Pedagogy and faculty development Mentoring and role- modeling Bridge programs
Focused Strategies & Tools Women students Students of color Students with disabilities
Gaps Black and Latino students Career Ladders Project study Scarce research on the root causes Few supporting organizations
Closing the Gap: Community
Thank you!