Guidance Self-Study Tommi Leach Kelly Arrington ODCTE
The question is why… How can guidance accreditation be more useful to the technology center student services staff? How can guidance accreditation help ODCTE Career and Academic Connections (CAC) staff have a better understanding of what goes on at the technology centers in the way of guidance?
How we do it now… Student Services Staff spend approximately 6 months prior to the accreditation visit copying and organizing documentation for the past 5 years ODCTE staff spend hours reviewing this documentation Stress levels are high
Does that work for you??? 5 years is a long time for tech centers to struggle with guidance issues without assistance from ODCTE CAC staff 5 years is a long time for the ODCTE CAC Staff to not realize what remarkable things are being done at the tech centers and to be able to share those successes with other tech centers Communication/assistance should be more frequent
This was our process… We looked at the ASCA National Guidance Standards as a model We compared guidance plans from numerous states Oklahoma is unique so we designed our own plan We solicited input from the field We piloted with the schools being accredited last year
and… We solicited input from other ODCTE staff members We are rolling this out at Summer Conference 2012 NOTE: The counselors will receive this Self-Study. However, they will need input from different members of the Student Services team.
Guidance Standard (Standard 4) We have changed the documentation required However, some documentation is required by Perkins Legislation Guidance Self-Study will replace much of the documentation
Guidance Self-Study document Benefits –Identify successes/challenges each tech center faces in its implementation of quality guidance services –Identify areas for more targeted professional development –Streamline the accreditation process –Be used in place of much of the documentation currently required at the 5-year accreditation visit Each year this Self-Study will be submitted by site by June 15th Kelly Arrington and Tommi Leach will analyze the information and respond
Guidance Self-Study document Rubric Self-Study – Part A – Criteria –Guidance Services –Individual Planning –Partner Collaboration & Coordination –Responsive Services –System Support Stages of Implementation –No Activity –Planning/In Progress –Partially Implemented –Fully Implemented –Advanced Implementation
Data – Part B (a guidance report will be provided) Some of the data points are included: –Total Enrollment –Sending School rate –% of Career Major Completion –# students receiving credentials/certificates –Attendance –% of students enrolled in 1 st Choice of Career Major –How many college credit hours were received
Planning documentation – Part C Choose 2 strategies to develop, strengthen, and/or enhance –Criteria –Implementation Activity –Person(s) responsible –Impact data –Goal for next year
When Accreditation time comes around… We will discuss this document with the Student Services staff We will have been in communication for the past 5 years so there shouldn’t be any surprises Hopefully stress levels will go down
Work will continue… We will continue to work to improve this document to make it more useful to the field and to the ODCTE staff
It’s important to remember… How the student services staff rates themselves on the self-study does not determine whether or not they will pass the accreditation standard Ratings are meant to change from year to year depending upon where the tech center is in the process of improvement
Questions? Please contact us Tommi Leach Career and Academic Advisement Specialist Kelly Arrington Guidance Coordinator