Monday 11 th October 2011
A bell will sound at the end of each session – then you have 5 minutes to get your next venue. A bell will sound to start the next session. Hall How to revise Canteen Controlled Conditions PLTs Oracy Websites/Maths 6.30 – 6.45pm Year 11Year 9Year – 7.05pm Year 10Years 11Year – 7.30pm Year 9Year 10Year 11
Regular assessments Regular tests Module exams Final GCSE Exams To show teachers what is understood and where extra help is required To show teachers how skills are developing The more revision, the easier it gets and the less time it takes
In a well lit quiet area If music is needed this should be low volume NOT in front of the TV NOT exclusively on the computer
Revision is NOT just reading through their notes the evening before a test/assessment/exam
There are 3 parts to revision… 1. Learn It – Find a method which means the information is learnt. 2. Test It – Writing down what you can remember after 5mins. 30mins, 2 hours, the next day… 3. Use It – Applying what you have learnt to past paper questions.
The handout has lots of different ideas of HOW students can learn the work according to their preferred learning style. Revision cards for KINAESTHETIC learners Patterned notes for VISUAL Learners
Test It This can be achieved on their own or with help If they can’t remember – LOOK If it’s still not going in, then try another Learn-It style
Use It This is the most missed out part of revision Students are often given past paper questions Websites are available Fronter is available
There is helpful information on your handout regarding the use of exam board websites.
On the school website there is a link to Fronter
All subjects are on Fronter – some in a lot of detail. Some, like Media – have very detailed revision sections – from the clips watched to key terms needed, and past paper questions…
Please make your way to the Canteen for your session on PLTs/Controlled Conditions