Shi Kuang 1, Mike Newchurch 1,John Burris 2, Wesley Cantrell 1, Patrick Cullis 3, Ed Eloranta 4, Guanyu Huang 1, Bryan Johnson 3, Kevin Knupp 1, Lihua.


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Presentation transcript:

Shi Kuang 1, Mike Newchurch 1,John Burris 2, Wesley Cantrell 1, Patrick Cullis 3, Ed Eloranta 4, Guanyu Huang 1, Bryan Johnson 3, Kevin Knupp 1, Lihua Wang 1 1 U. Of Alabama-Huntsville, 2 NASA/GSFC, 3 NOAA/ESRL, 4 U. of Wisconsin-Madison AGU Fall Meeting, 9-13 Dec. 2013, San Francisco, CA Ozone Observations at Huntsville during the 2013 SENEX and SEAC 4 RS Campaigns SENEX Air Quality and Climate in the Southeast US, A13A-0170 JPL ESRL UAH LaRC GSFC In the summer of 2013, the UAH Atmospheric Chemistry group measured ozone, aerosol, and meteorological data (Table 1) supporting the SENEX and SEAC4RS campaigns. The UAH ozone Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) measured vertical ozone profiles with a 2 or 10 min resolution between 0.1 and ~12 km during both daytime and nighttime whenever weather allowed. Daily ozonesonde were launched during the SEAC4RS field survey. We also hosted the HSRL from the University of Wisconsin at Madison (collocated with the ozone DIAL from June to September 2013) for obtaining additional aerosol information. Table 2 summarizes the dates for which we coordinated ground-based and airborne measurements above Huntsville. In this poster, we present these ozone and aerosol data as well as their preliminary analysis. Ozone lidar data can be accessed at HRSL data is available at Ozonesonde data is achieved at the SEACIONS (led by Anne Thompson) web site ( Introduction O3 LidarOzonesondeWind DopplerHSRL Days/hrs in SENEX*20/1938/NA27/64830/720 Days/hrs in SEAC4RS**18/17832/NA44/93341/984 *SEAC4RS counted from 8/8 to 9/24. **SENEX counted from 5/28 to 7/20. Table 1. Instrument operation summary for SENEX and SEAC4RS UAH Robert Cramer Research Hall Figure 1a. the Atmospheric Science Department of UAH Figure 1b. The UAH ozone DIAL system Figure 1c. Ozonesonde measurement at UAH 2. Measurements during SENEX 6/8 6/9 6/46/5 6/10 3. Measurements during SEAC4RS Low O3, likely southern transport Clouds Both strato source, but diff air mass Rain STE impact on PBL and surface Ozonesonde Strato source Low O3 at near surface after raining 6/11 Figure 2. Ozone lidar measurements (in ppbv) in the first half of June 2013 showing a large influence of stratospheric sources on the mid/low tropospheric ozone variations. 6/1 Nocturnal enhancement due to transport? 6/12 Figure 3. Coincident airborne and ground-based measurements on June 29 suggesting that upper-air ozone at Huntsville were affected by both STE and pollution transport. Fog Forest fire Aircraft missed this alt. Urban. O3 DIAL HSRL Note the ML height evolution O3 by NOAA P3CO by NOAA P3 Lidar at 2100 P3 at 22:00 Sonde at 18:30 wind Insufficient mixing with SI air 5km affected by both SI and pollution P3 O3 digital data from Ilana Pollack and Thomas Ryerson; CO data from John S Holloway MOZART CO fire tracer at 900hPa, Z GOES 7.0um, mid-trop moist, Z 8/8 8/9 8/12 8/20 8/19 8/15 8/14 8/13 8/218/22 8/27 8/288/30 Upper- air anti-cyclone and surface pre-frontal system Ozonesonde Idaho smoke, ~15ppb enhancement Enhanced O3 after cold front passing Cloudy, moist PBL and reduced upper-tropo O3 ~25ppb enhancement UW-HSRL Smoke detected by NASA DC8 HSRL 532 backscatter, courtesy of John Hair Aug. 14 Rising PBL height (also P/T) after 8/18 front passage; moist PBL with low O3 High upper-tropo O3 Strato source Higher PBL O3, broad high, high surface T Wave breaking? Figure 4. UAH ozone lidar observations in Aug. showing frequent enhanced upper- tropospheric ozone and low PBL ozone associated with upper-air circulations, surface meteorological conditions, convective dynamics, and aerosol transport. DateObjective 8/12Birmingham plume, SEUS biogenics 8/14Biomass burning 8/21PBL profiles 8/30SEUS (close to Huntsville) 9/6SEUS, NAM 9/11Convection outflow 9/16Atlanta plume, fires (close to Huntsville) Table 2. Dates for DC8 overpassing Huntsville during SEAC4RS 4. Link with the ozone climatology Boulder, CO Huntsville, AL <70ppb Average up to 2002, [Newchurch et al., 2003] Average up to 2012 Figure 5. Comparison of monthly mean ozone at Boulder with Huntsville using weekly ozonesonde measurements. ? 1.Ozone lidar retrievals generally agree with sondes within 10%. 2.Lidar and ozonesonde obs. show the large influence of STE on troposphere in early summer and significant biomass burning transport throughout summer. Ozone generally shows a +10ppbv enhancement associated with smoke or pollution. 3.Recent ozonesonde climatology confirms a persistent enhanced upper-tropospheric ozone at SEUS, suggested previously by Li et al and Cooper et al Any new evidence, anti-cyclone, wave breaking, lightning, or transport? 4.How representative for the 2013 summertime ozone? 5. Conclusions and future plan Lidar Hatch TOLNet