The Jewish Fund Grantee and Applicant Perception Survey May Joe Gaglio Principal Deloitte & Touche LLP
Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 1Footer We collected feedback from both grantees and applicants through an online survey and held in-person interviews with 5 grantees About the online survey: Questions tailored uniquely for grantees and applicants Respondents understood that they could remain anonymous Strong participation from both grantees and applicants Survey focused on grantee and applicant perceptions across the following domains: Background Relationship with TJF Social Impact Grant Application and Administration Process Our approach to gathering feedback
Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 2Footer Strengths to build on: All grantees view the relationship with TJF as a partnership All grantees perceive that TJF understands and supports their mission and vision Grantees feel comfortable talking with TJF should problems arise Site visits that include the board are welcomed and appreciated Improvement opportunities: Conduct more site visits Outcomes Grantee relationship with TJF Relationship Social Impact Grant Administration
Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 3Footer Strengths to build on: Responsiveness, communication and listening Early assistance in the grant application process In general the online application platform is viewed positively Grantees appreciate the reduction in reporting requirements The logic model is generally viewed as helpful in achieving higher quality grant applications Improvement opportunities: Examine and modify communications to encourage dialogue with TJF early in the application process and in the event of decline Consider annual versus semi-annual funding commensurate with annual reporting expectation Improve user navigation and document upload processes in the online tool Outcomes Grant application and administration process Relationship Social Impact Grant Administration
Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 4Footer Strengths to build on: All grantees and nearly all applicants perceive that TJF understands the local community in which their organization focuses All grantees and most applicants agree that TJF has contributed to improving the impact of services provided by non-profits through its grant making Grantees appreciate and look forward to the annual meeting Improvement opportunities: Agencies want TJF to push them harder to innovate Develop a periodic communication (e.g., newsletter) about programs TJF is funding Outcomes Social impact Relationship Social Impact Grant Administration
Appendix Online survey responses
Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 6Footer 1.TJF understands my organization’s mission and vision 2.TJF is supportive of my organization’s mission and vision 3.I consider TJF a partner in achieving my organization’s mission and vision 4.If a problem arises in my organization, I feel comfortable about approaching TJF to discuss 5.TJF meets my expectations as a funder 6.How would my organization rate the involvement level of TJF? 7.My position in the organization is: 8.Which of the following best describes the pattern of your organization’s funding relationship with the Foundation? Survey Overview Relationship with TJF Grantees Applicants
Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 7Footer 8.Which of the following best describes the pattern of your organization’s funding relationship with the Foundation? 9.I consider TJF's staff responsive through the grant application process 10.TJF treated my organization fairly through the grant application process 11.TJF was actively involved in the development of my organization’s grant proposal 12.I felt pressure to modify my organization’s priorities in order to create a grant proposal that was likely to receive funding 13.The incorporation of a logic model helped my organization to think more critically about the project and create a better plan 14.Relative to other funders, the procedures and platform to apply for TJF funding was user friendly and I was able to effectively communicate with TJF throughout the application process 15.I understood I had the opportunity to learn the rationale for the decline of my application 16.I took the opportunity to learn the rationale for the decline of my application Survey Overview Grant Application and Administration Process Grantees Applicants
Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 8Footer 17.TJF understands the field of service in which my organization focuses 18.TJF understands the local community in which my organization focuses 19.TJF has contributed to improving the impact of services provided by non-profits through its grant making. 20.TJF has previously invited all grantees to an educational forum. If you have attended please select the reason(s) why you attended. 21.Should TJF continue the educational and networking forums? Survey Overview Social Impact Grantees Applicants
1. TJF understands my organization’s mission and vision 9 Key takeaway 100% of respondents agree that TJF understands their organization's mission and vision. Grantees
2. TJF is supportive of my organization’s mission and vision 10 Key takeaway 100% of respondents agree that TJF is supportive of their organization’s mission and vision. Grantees
3. I consider TJF a partner in achieving my organization’s mission and vision 11 Key takeaway 100% of respondents agree that TJF is a partner in achieving their organization’s mission and vision. Grantees
4. If a problem arises in my organization, I feel comfortable about approaching TJF to discuss 12 Key takeaway A vast majority of respondents (more than 90%) agree that they are comfortable about approaching TJF to discuss. Grantees
5. TJF meets my expectations as a funder 13 Key takeaway A vast majority of respondents (more than 90%) agree TJF meets their expectations as a funder. Grantees
6. How would my organization rate the involvement level of TJF? (Please select all that apply) 14 Grantees
7. My position in organization is: 15 Key takeaway Nearly half of the respondents are Executive Directors or CEOs. Grantees
8. Which of the following best describes the pattern of your organization’s funding relationship with the Foundation? 16 Grantees
9. I consider TJF's staff responsive through the grant application process 17 Key takeaway 50% of Applicants and nearly 90% of Grantees completely agree that TJF’s staff is responsive through the grant application process. Applicants Grantees
10. TJF treated my organization fairly through the grant application process 18 Key takeaway 50% of Applicants and more than 90% of Grantees completely agree that TJF’s treated their organization fairly through the grant application process. Applicants Grantees
11. TJF was actively involved in the development of my organization’s grant proposal 19 Key takeaway About a third of Applicants and more than two thirds of Grantees agree that TJF’s was actively involved on the development of their grant proposal. Applicants Grantees
12. I felt pressure to modify my organization’s priorities in order to create a grant proposal that was likely to receive funding 20 Key takeaway 50% of Applicants and more than two thirds of Grantees disagree that they felt pressure to modify their organization’s priorities in order to create a grant proposal that was likely to receive funding. Applicants Grantees
13. The incorporation of a logic model helped my organization to think more critically about the project and create a better plan 21 Key takeaway More than two thirds of Applicants and about 60% of Grantees agree that the incorporation of a logic model helped their organization think more critically about the project and create a better plan. Applicants Grantees
22 Key takeaway About two thirds of Applicants and about 50% of Grantees completely agree that the procedures and platform to apply or TJF funding was user friendly. Applicants Grantees 14. Relative to other funders, the procedures and platform to apply for TJF funding was user friendly and I was able to effectively communicate with TJF throughout the application process
15. I understood I had the opportunity to learn the rationale for the decline of my application 23 Key takeaway A third of Applicants disagree that they understood they had the opportunity to learn the rationale for the decline of their application.
16. I took the opportunity to learn the rationale for the decline of my application 24 Key takeaway Half of the Applicants disagree that they took the opportunity to learn the rationale for the decline of their application.
17. TJF understands the field of service in which my organization focuses 25 Key takeaway A third of Applicants and more than two thirds of Grantees completely agree that TJF understands the field of service in which their organization focuses. Applicants Grantees
18. TJF understands the local community in which my organization focuses 26 Key takeaway 100% of grantees and nearly all applicants perceive that TJF understands the local community in which their organization focuses. Applicants Grantees
19. TJF has contributed to improving the impact of services provided by non-profits through its grant making. 27 Key takeaway More than 80% of Applicants and 100% of Grantees agree that TJF has contributed to improving the impact of services provided by non-profits through its grant making. Applicants Grantees
20. TJF has previously invited all grantees to an educational forum. If you have attended please select the reason(s) why you attended. 28 Grantees
21. Should TJF continue the educational and networking forums? 29 Key takeaway Nearly all the respondents believe TJF should continue the educational and networking forums. Grantees
Deloitte Contacts: Joseph Gaglio Principal Preeti Kurane Senior Consultant Gabriela Nurida Consultant
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