KANOPY SESSION UIUC Pilot Program Now until June 2016 New Service - Films available on demand
WHAT IS KANOPY Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video service for educational institutions that provides 12 million students and faculty with access to more than 26,000 films each year. Kanopy's unique PDA (patron driven acquisition) model ensures institutions only pay for the films their students and faculty actually watch. Kanopy works directly with filmmakers and film distribution companies to offer award-winning collections including titles from PBS, BBC, Criterion Collection, Media Education Foundation and more. Kanopy is headquartered in San Francisco, California and has offices in Sydney, Australia.
UIUC AND KANOPY Obtained a license in Fall 2014 for Symptom Media Media purchasing moved to Acquisitions in January 2015 Acquisitions gained staff member Ginger Schutz and together we looked at purchasing problems: Issues around streaming media purchases: Availability (often not in that format) costs (3-4 times more than DVDs minimum) signatures: signed license =delays time sensitive demand (often needed for a class)
DEMAND DRIVEN PROGRAM PROPOSED Learned about KANOPY at ALA Midwinter and surveyed CIC Colleagues followed up at ALA Annual as well proposed to CDC a pilot program: funded by the Media fund managed by Acquisitions Approved for one year: June 2015 began loaded MARC records (6,000 with more to come) Prepaid 20,000 on PDA account made plans to create a CDC task force to review use Worked with CTL Office of Continuing Education - Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
HOW IT WORKS 16,000 films in the PDA packages: all types Access by catalog or explore on platform Unlimited users Lease is triggered at 4 separate uses of 3 minutes or above duration lease $ for one year: all renewable
KANOPY ACCESS Access the database at: Look up titles – example Trashed Browse subjects Copy URLS of subject browse lists (for LibGuides but be sure you use proxy prefix) then url collection ystreaming.com/catalog/social-sciences/gender-studies