Home Office FGM Unit Governance Pack
Purpose of the FGM Unit The FGM Unit was set up, building on recent progress in tackling FGM, to coordinate efforts across Government and provide outreach support to local areas. In addition, the unit acts as a hub for effective practice, gathering and sharing examples across local areas and professional groups. The unit is based at the Home Office but draws on resources from across Government, and works closely with the voluntary and community sector, survivors and professionals to develop policies and processes. We also work with the police and the NSPCC FGM helpline, and we promote the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's consular support service to those at risk of FGM. The FGM Unit does not handle individual cases. If you are worried that a girl or woman is at risk of FGM or is a victim of FGM, contact the police or the NSPCC helpline. The Home Office FGM Unit Terms of Reference (1) The Home Office FGM Unit Terms of Reference (1)
FGM Unit Objectives Deliver outreach support to local areas to support them in developing their local response to tackling FGM and to raise awareness of the unit. Identify and highlight examples of effective practice across local areas and professional groups both through the delivery of our outreach programme and an FGM resource pack. Promote the available FGM resources including the multi-agency guidelines, e- learning, communications products (e.g. leaflets and statement) and resource pack which are all available to download from GOV.uk. Work with the police, Border Force, the Crown Prosecution Service and the College of Policing to improve the identification and prosecution of offenders. Have an overview of all Government work to tackle FGM and work closely with the voluntary and community sector, survivors and professionals to develop cross- cutting policies and processes. The Home Office FGM Unit Terms of Reference (2) The Home Office FGM Unit Terms of Reference (2)
Deliver outreach support to local areas to support them in developing their local response to tackling FGM and to raise awareness of the unit. We have carried out a series of training workshops, delivered by Forward UK, to Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards in high prevalence FGM areas. We offer bespoke targeted peer support to local areas who want to strengthen their ability to tackle FGM. Provide support to local areas Be a hub for effective practice Work with the Police, Border Force, Crown Prosecution Service and the College of Policing to improve the identification and prosecution of offenders. We work closely with police force leads to keep abreast of ongoing approaches, prosecutions and disruptions in the UK. Work closely with the police to tackle FGM The Home Office FGM Unit What we do The Home Office FGM Unit What we do Develop cross- governmental policies of FGM Identify and highlight examples of effective practice across local areas and professional groups both through the delivery of the outreach programme and also building on the existing FGM resource pack. We also promote available FGM resources such as the multi agency guidelines, e-learning, communications products (e.g. leaflets and statement) and resource pack which are all available to download from GOV.uk. Have an overview of all Government work to tackle FGM, work closely with the voluntary and community sector, survivors and professionals to develop cross cutting policies and processes, and ensure this approach is integrated with wider work to tackle violence against women and girls.
We participated in a series of Department of Health-led FGM roadshows for professionals, commissioners and community groups which aimed to raise awareness of FGM, promote Government resources and the support the unit can provide, highlight effective practice and stimulate local conversations about how to tackle FGM. We have updated and improved the multi agency guidelines and have created a Home Office e-learning tool for all practitioners to enable them to undertake an introduction to FGM. Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary is conducting a force level inspection on the police response to Honour Based Violence with a focus on FGM and forced marriage and local police/Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) FGM investigation protocols have been agreed. We launched a new function on GOV.uk to signpost local FGM services and ran a communications campaign to raise awareness of FGM and to signpost the NSPCC FGM Helpline. Free materials, including a DVD, continue to be available to communities and other organisations. There is significant activity taking place across Government on FGM. The Department of Health and Department for International Development have large programmes of work underway. The Department for Education, the Ministry of Justice and the Department of Communities and Local Government are also working on projects to tackle FGM, and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office provides consular support to FGM cases. The Home Office FGM Unit What we have done The Home Office FGM Unit What we have done Provide support to local areas Be a hub for effective practice Work closely with the police to tackle FGM Develop cross- governmental policies of FGM
The Home Office FGM Unit Stakeholder Engagement The Home Office FGM Unit Stakeholder Engagement We work closely with a range of external stakeholders, including through the FGM Unit’s stakeholder meeting where the FGM Unit: updates members on the development and implementation of policies and processes; seeks advice from members on emerging issues; and seeks views from members on the most effective way to communicate Government policy and legislative change on FGM to affected communities, professionals and the public. If you would like the Unit to attend an event you are holding, would like to share best practice and resources you have developed, or for more information, please contact us at:
Christian Papaleontiou Helen Cordy FGM Policy Lead Adwoa Debrah FGM Outreach and Policy Lead Lena Goodfellow Contact us at Kerry Charlesworth Home Office Communications Advisor The Home Office FGM Unit Organogram The Home Office FGM Unit Organogram Other Government Departments