The Byzantine Empire Chapter 11 Section 1
Key Terms Justinian Justinian code Hagia Sophia Patriarch Icon Excommunication Cyrillic alphabet
A New Rome on a New Setting Roman Empire divided in 395 Justinian 527 Sent Belisarius to recover North Africa Two years later Belisarius attacked Rome
A New Rome in a New Setting Seized it from the Ostrogoths Justinian armies won nearly all of Italy and parts of Spain Byzantine Emperors rule with absolute power Headed the church and the state
A New Rome in a New Setting They appointed and dismissed bishops at will 89 Byzantine emperors 29 died violently 13 left the throne for monasteries
Life in New Rome Separate governments Most did not speak Latin Most spoke Greek Justinian code- single uniform code that consisted of four works
Justinian Code Code has 5000 Roman laws Digest-opinions of Rome’s greatest thinkers about law (50 volumes) The Institutes-textbook for law students The Novellae-New laws, legislation after 534
Creating the Imperial Capitol Justinian rebuilt Constantinople Viewed churches as the most visible sign of connection of church and state Hagia Sophia-hailed as the most splendid church in the Christian world
Creating the Imperial Capitol Build new aqueducts Public baths Courts Schools Hospitals Preserved Greco-Roman culture Families valued education
Constantinople’s Hectic Pace Mese- middle way runs through Constantinople Merchants line the streets Free entertainment at the Hippodrome Rioters wanted Justinian overthrown 30,000 rebels slaughtered
The Empire Falls Justinian dies 565 Plague of Justinian Came from India 10,000 people a day died Lasted till 700
The Empire Falls Attacks from East and West Lombards in the west Avars, Slavs, Bulgars from the north Persians in the East Attacked Constantinople Russians and the Turks Fought their way into Byzantine territory
The Empire Falls Byzantines tried to protect their empire by Bribes Diplomacy Military power 7th century Herculias emperor Provinces became military districts Constantinople fell in 1453
The Church Divides Christianity different in East and West Saint Basil wrote how Christians should behave 398 to 404 Chrysostom Patriarch-a leading bishop of the east Still bowed to emperor
The Church Divides 730 Emperor Leo III banned icons Icons-religious images used by eastern Christians Said it was idol worship People rioted, clergy rebelled Excommunication-outcast of the church
The Church Divides Pope excommunicates a Byzantine emperor Theodora restores icons 1034- Pope and Patriarch excommunicate each other Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox
Byzantine Missionaries Convert Slavs Saint Methodius and Saint Cyril worked with Slavs Made alphabet for Slavic languages Cyrillic Alphabet- written in Slav and Russian Slavs could read the Bible in their own tongue