The Integration of Bathymetry, Topography, and Shoreline and the Vertical Datum Transformations Behind it Charting and Mapping the Land-Sea Interface
Some Problems with Charting and Mapping the U.S. Coastal Zone “95,000 miles of Coastline !” Outdated data ( and low resolution) - bathymetry (NOS) [outside the navigation channels] - topography (USGS) NOAA and USGS products do not match [especially the shoreline] Difficulty measuring a consistently defined shoreline Limited resources for new data (95,000 miles!) Incompatibility between data sets from local sources (e.g., federal, state, county, city) A geospatial reference frame for other coastal data sets that is less consistent and accurate than is needed Affecting a variety of coastal applications (in addition to navigation products): -- hurricane evacuation planning--permitting --local, state, and national boundaries -- habitat restoration--shoreline change analysis--assessing and determining setback lines -- erosion, accretion, renourishment--natural hazards
Applications for Integrated Bathymetric/Topographic/Shoreline Hurricane evacuation planning Permitting Assessing and determining setback lines Determining local, state, and national boundaries Habitat restoration Erosion, accretion, nourishment Shoreline Change Analysis Analyzing storm impacts Analyzing environmental and natural resources Emergency Response and Impact Assessment Navigation Products and Services Florida Marine Spill Analysis System Habitat Assessment
Marine Boundaries in the U.S.
Inconsistency between shorelines on NOAA and USGS products Inconsistent Shorelines NOAA Shoreline plotted on a USGS Topo Sheet
The Tampa Bay Bathymetric/Topographic Demonstration Project “the beginning” The Tampa Bay Bathymetric/Topographic Demonstration Project Mapping the Land-Sea Interface Partners: NOS: OCS, NGS, CSC, CO-OPS USGS: NMD (incl. EROS Data Ctr) Others: UNH, FMRI, users
Except for in and around the navigation channels, the bathymetric data are from the 1950s. This is typical all around the country. In the nearshore areas the data are old. NOS needs to be able to take advantage of other data sources. NOS Bathymetric Data
USGS Topographic Data The original topographic data for the Tampa Bay area are also primarily from the 1950s, with some 1960s and early 1970s data. This is also typical all around the country. In many areas the topographic data are old.
In addition to the April 1999 airborne photogrammetry and the SPIN2 satellite data, shoreline data sets will be derived (and inter-compared) from: airborne lidar data, airborne hyperspectral data, IKONOS satellite data, SAR data, and SHOALS (bathymetric lidar) data. High-Resolution Up-to-Date Shoreline from various Airborne and Satellite Techniques in Tampa Bay (NGS/RSD) NOS Shoreline Data For some areas the shoreline data are much more recent, but shoreline measurement has its own special problems.
Nautical Chart 1977 Photogrammetry 1998 Image from Spin Photogrammetry Keeping up with changes in Manmade Shoreline A Different Problem with Shoreline Satellite images can help spot the changes, but is the resolution good enough for all purposes?
How to cost-effectively map 95,000 miles of U.S. coastline? Thus, NOS needs to be able to take advantage of other good quality data sources. (“3rd-Party Data”) [as does USGS also] What prevents NOS from using “3rd-Party Data” ? - standards - common vertical datums NOS alone can’t acquire all the new bathymetry needed, and NOS will always have to give priority to navigational channels in ports.
All Bathymetric and Topographic Elevation Data is georeferenced to a Vertical Datum Datums Arise From Relative Measurements, I Datum A
Datum B All Bathymetric and Topographic Elevation Data is georeferenced to a Vertical Datum Datums Arise From Relative Measurements, II
Discontinuity between A & B Datum A Datum B All Bathymetric and Topographic Elevation Data is georeferenced to a Vertical Datum Datums Arise From Relative Measurements, III
When Datums Match (All elevations are now consistent) Datum A
Integrated Bathy/Topo Model NOAA Bathymetry USGS Topography
Slice through historical bathymetric data that was transformed to the ellipsoid (red curve) compared with January 2000 transect referenced to the ellipsoid (blue curve). Validating the datum transformation with new GPS-referenced bathymetric data
Airborne Lidar Mapping Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Fly Water-penetrating bathymetric LIDAR near High Water, e.g. SHOALS. MLLW MHW Fly topographic LIDAR near Low Water. Cover intertidal zone
ATM LIDAR USGS DOQ Lidar in and landward of the intertidal zone - transformation of Lidar DEM to MHW datum to produce MHW shoreline using VDatum (with tidal datums from hydrodynamic model). - for the zone where the transformed topographic data meets the transformed bathymetric data Univ. of FL LIDAR
MHW Shoreline Produced from LIDAR T-Sheet MHW shoreline 16,000 points MHW (LIDAR) (1996) T-Sheet (1977) NOAA Chart :80,000 = 40m Tampa Bay LIDAR data from the University of Florida transformed to the MHW datum using VDatum. 1m GRID
MHW Shoreline Produced from LIDAR NOAA T-Sheet MHW shoreline (1977) 0 m contour is MHW shoreline (1996) 1m GRID Old Tampa Bay LIDAR data from the University of Florida transformed to the MHW datum using VDatum.
MHW Shoreline from LIDAR superimposed on 1m DOQQ 0 m contour (MHW) 1996 NOAA T-Sheet (1977) Old Tampa Bay MHW Time of DOQQ Mangroves
Central California Lidar data from CSC/USGS/NASA
NAVD88 heights (meters) NASA ATM II 1m LIDAR DEM Central California (just south of entrance to San Francisco) LIDAR data from CSC / USGS / NASA
Higher High Water High Water Lower Low Water Low Water MHW Tidal Datum Fields off the Coast of California MHW tidal datum fields (as well as MHHW, MLW, MLLW, MSL, MTL, DTL) from calibrated hydrodynamic models Analysis of model-produced time series, then adjusted to provide a best fit to datums at NOS gauges.
MHW From 1m LIDAR superimposed on Nautical Chart Central California Bathy Project MHW shoreline from 1m LIDAR LIDAR data from CSC / USGS / NASA Bluffs MHW shoreline on NOAA nautical chart Entrance to San Francisco Bay
Integrated Bathy/Topo Digital Elevation Model NOAA Bathymetry USGS Topography Ellipsoid Model Tidal Model Geoid Model National VDatum (Vertical Datum Transform Tool) Marine Boundaries & Legal Issues State owned Privately owned LIDAR USGS Topo Sheet NOAA Shoreline RTK-GPS vertical referencing Hydrographic Surveys Shoreline from LIDAR in the intertidal zone NOAA-USGS shoreline inconsistencies National Bathymetric Database -User-friendly utilization of DEM with new hi-res data in a GIS environment GIS users in the Coastal Community