The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 1
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 2 Writers: Maureen O’Neal, Gail Botten Illustrations: David Botten Narrator: Lisa Brandt Acknowledgements: We would like to thank and acknowledge the Government of Ontario, Ministry of Health Promotion through the Healthy Communities Fund. These resources have been created with the support of Safe Kids Canada, in cooperation with the Canadian Red Cross. Created by: Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 3 Dayna woke up one morning with great excitement. Today was her mother’s birthday, and Dayna had a surprise planned for her that she knew her mother would love.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 4 Today, Dayna was very eager to go to school. She was working on a very special art project that she would give to her mother that evening for her birthday.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 5 After breakfast, Dayna put on her warmest clothes, hat, coat, scarf, gloves and boots. It was November and starting to get very cold outside.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 6 Dayna gave her mother a big kiss, wished her “Happy Birthday” and ran outdoors to meet her school friends, who were waiting outside for her to walk to school.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 7 At school, Dayna couldn’t wait until it was time for art class so she could work on her present for her mother. Dayna enjoyed reading, writing and math, but her favourite thing at school was art class and today she couldn’t take her mind off her ideas for her art creation.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 8 Finally, it was the last class of the day and Dayna got right to work on her art project. Dayna was so busy cutting,sewing and painting that the time passed very quickly. Before she knew it the day was over. Her friend Ashley came over to admire her work. “Wow that’s beautiful, Dayna” she said. “But we better get going- school is over”.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 9 “Just a few more minutes, I’m almost done”, said Dayna. Ashley went outside to wait for Dayna, but it was over half an hour before she finally came outside. Dayna had a big smile on her face and her artwork in her hand. Her friends didn’t look as happy since they had been outside waiting for her.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 10 “Thanks for waiting” said Dayna. “My present for mom is perfect!” “We better hurry” said Ashley. It was winter and it was already starting to get dark out. “Okay, let’s go” said Dayna. “I want to get home before my mom so I can wrap up my present before she sees.”
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 11 “I know a shortcut” said Taylor. Taylor led them in the opposite direction of their usual route, and soon they were down at the riverbank. “We can walk across the river”, said Taylor, “it’s much quicker. “My grandfather said the river is not completely frozen yet” said Ashley. “I don’t think it’s safe to cross”.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 12 “Sure it’s frozen” said Taylor. “Look!” he said and threw a large rock onto the ice. The rock crashed onto the ice, but the ice did not break. “See how solid it is?” said Taylor. “What about further out in the middle?” said Ashley nervously, “the ice looks thinner and it looks like there are air pockets”.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 13 “We’ll just go around that part” said Taylor, “Come on.” Dayna was uneasy about crossing the river as well. Her mother had told her many times that it’s dangerous to cross the river early in the winter. But it was starting to get darker and since they had already come this way it would take longer to turn around and go back the other way.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 14 “I’ll go first” said Taylor. “See how safe it is” he said. Ashley and Dayna followed carefully behind Taylor. The ice felt solid under them and they slowly headed further and further out. It was very quiet on the river but suddenly they heard a loud CRACK.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 15 All three of them stopped in their tracks. “Did you hear that?” said Ashley. Taylor looked very nervous and started to look around for a new direction to turn. He took another careful step, but there was another “CRACK”.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 16 “This isn’t safe” said Ashley. “We better turn back”. The group quickly began heading back towards the shore, fearful of the groaning noises made by the weak ice. Dayna suddenly let out a loud yelp. She had tripped on a rough patch of ice.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 17 Ashley and Taylor had reached the shore but when they heard Dayna cry out they turned around to see that Dayna had fallen down on the ice. Although it was dark they could see the ice had cracked all around her from the force of her fall. “Are you alright, Dayna?” they called out. Frantically, they looked around for something to pull Dayna in with since they knew it would not be safe to go back out on the ice.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 18 “I’m alright” called Dayna, “I just hurt my knee”. “But I dropped my mom’s birthday present and I can’t reach it”, said Dayna fighting back tears. “DON”T MOVE” cried Taylor. “Grab onto this and pull yourself in.” Taylor had found a long sturdy branch on the shore and was holding it out for Dayna.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 19 Dayna glanced over one more time at her artwork that she had put so much work into and thought about how disappointed her mom would be not to receive the gift. She sighed, but then turned back and grabbed the branch tightly with both hands. Ashley and Taylor tugged with all their strength and pulled Dayna safely onto shore.
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 20 On the riverbank, Dayna stood up, rubbing her sore knee. Ashley gave her a big hug of relief. “I’m sorry you lost your Mom’s birthday present, Dayna” she said. “That’s okay” said Dayna. “My mom will understand. She will just be happy that I’m safe.” “Besides”, said Dayna smiling, “I can always make her a new artwork- I’ve got some great new ideas.”
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 21 The End
The Birthday Gift January 2010 Canadian Red Cross Safe Kids Canada 22 Acknowledgements This project was made possible by generous financial support from the following organizations: Healthy Communities Fund, Ministry of Health Promotion, Ontario Donated services and support provided by Safe Kids Canada Donated services and support provided by Canadian Red Cross, First Aid, Swimming and Water Safety Services, Ontario Zone. The Aboriginal Water Safety Education Advisory Committee and the Canadian Red Cross developed this resource. © Copyright Reproduction in whole or in part can be made with permission of the Canadian Red Cross, Ontario Zone, except where otherwise noted