Socialism Chapter 13, Section 5 Notes
Angst at Thanksgiving Dinner ► Everyone has that family member who’s crazy ► Luckily in the Cicerchi household, we have a crazy aunt AND a crazy uncle ► They have some, um, interesting political philosophies and two Thanksgivings ago the craziness began overflowing ► The crazy aunt and uncle started talking about how the workers of this country were being overrun and had to take back the means of production from the owners ► Yes, they both live in the United States ► The sane members of the family looked at each other like the aunt and uncle each had an extra piece of crazy cake at dinner ► Capitalism and democracy has done pretty well for America; the crazy aunt and uncle were talking about socialism
The Rise of Socialism ► Inequality makes people question things ► A few people became enormously rich but most people became poor from the Industrial Revolution ► Amongst the poor were the workers, who made the things factory owners got rich from ► Some reformers felt ownership and the operators of the means of production had to change so wealth would be divided up more evenly
The Rise of Socialism ► What is Socialism? ► Governments own the means of production ► They did not believe competition was essential ► Everyone, not just capitalists and factory owners, had a right to share in the profits ► Utopian socialists thought that people could live peacefully and work with each other in small cooperative settlements ► Key person: Robert Owen He thought if people lived in a good environment they would stop acting selfishly
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Marx’s Beautifully Wild Beard (p. 373) ► Marx believed utopian socialism was impractical and capitalism should be destroyed ► Marx believed all great changes in history had come from changes in economic conditions ► Marx and Engels published The Communist Manifesto in 1848 ► “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” –The Communist Manifesto ► Countries thought Marx was the crazy uncle as he was banished from several European countries ► Marx preached that each stage of history involved inequality and struggle between property owners and non- property owners
Marx’s Beliefs ► All wealth is created by labor ► In capitalism, labor receives only a small fraction of the wealth it creates (owners get most) ► Marx predicted the proletariat would forcibly remove capitalists and seize power in industrialized countries ► Many Marxists believed the only way to establish governments that owned the means of production and controlled all economic planning was through violent revolution (this is called communism) ► Some Marxists believed socialism could develop gradually through education and democratic forms of government (this is called democratic socialism)
THE Quote ► Karl Marx’s famous quote: ► “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” ► What do you think that means?
Lastly… ► I want you to talk about reform laws, labor unions, strikes and how they influenced all of the different groups we’ve talked about ► Why do the following matter? Bullet point it in the next 5 minutes in your notebook Factory Owners Factory Workers Utilitarians Socialists Capitalists Unions Strikes