Words Communism (Scientific Socialism) Command Economy Marxism
Why am I wearing an American Tie?
Housekeeping Let’s pass back you journals. Many of you are not passing them in, it is hurting your grade. Now, that most of you have had a EXTRA weekend to work on your essay, Please pass it in! If you haven’t completed work for me, you need to come to tutorial.
Quick Review Chartism was what? What did they want? Why did government vote it down?
Social 30-1 Mr. Tulk
Marxism A radical form of socialism, often called or communism to distinguish it from other forms of socialism.
Karl Marx (1818-1883) One of the most significant Socialist thinkers. Felt that Capitalism had failed. Disliked the negative effects on Workers. Marx’s book “the Communist Manifesto” led to the development of Marxism. Never used the term Marxism. Marx actually claimed that he was not a Marxist when French socialist began to use the term in 1880.
Marx He was inspired by J.J. Rousseau and wrote about Socialism. He felt that these ideals Socialism were to Emotional and not Scientific Enough. Marx felt that the only way society could change was for the workers (Proletariat) to overthrow the owners (Bourgeoisie).
This society would include Private to public property. New factories owned by the government. Government Banking. Government Transportation and Communication. Eventual Population distribution Free Education for Children. Hmmm. Is Canada Socialist?
Command Economy Essential to Communism North Korea, Cuba, China, and the Soviet Union all developed Centrally planned or Command Economies. Most countries that adopted this did so as a response to Classical Liberalism. In many relatively successful liberal societies (US and Britain) Marxism altered into the more calm Democratic Socialism.
Democratic Socialism A political ideology that advocates a peaceful, evolutionary transition of society from capitalism to socialism. A change by democratic means as apposed to revolution.
Words Classical Conservatism Labour Unions. Welfare Capitalism
Housekeeping Your essay is now 2 days past due. Parent-teacher interviews are Wednesday and Thursday form 6-9pm. Your test is a week from today!
Classical Conservatism We know what the Luddites did, right? The Luddites can then be seen as reactionary? Reactionaries are usually conservative (or the Right) as they wish for things to return back to the original form.
Classical Conservatism Edmund Burke witnessed the French Revolution from Britain. Felt Society had developed gradually over time and should in no way be changed radically by the current generation. Government control was necessary as it represented the needs of the present, past, and future.
Classical Conservatism Government should represent the past present and future. Society should by hierarchical. Limited electorate. Leaders should be humanitarian. Stability is all important.
Burke Distrusted the French revolution. Educated members of society need to run institutions to control irrational elements. Burke did not support any tyranny and was thus a fan of the American Revolution of the French Revolution. Burke felt that uneducated people should have no place or say in government. If given to the “Geneal will of the people” society would become mediocre and non functioning.
Let’s do this one together! Page: 138 “The Voice of Moderate Socialism”
On that note… do this one alone! Let’s turn to page 141. Complete questions 1 A) and B) in your journal thingy!