Evaluation Update PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Manchester
PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Manchester 1 Introduction 1.The task set 2.Our approach 3.Progress 4.Next steps
PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Manchester 2 The task set by DH Map the different approaches to developing CAF Provide evidence about the quality of outcomes for service users Provide evidence about workforce experience Provide evidence on the cost, effectiveness and cost- effectiveness Provide evidence about the usability of the CAF IT systems for practitioners and service users Disseminate and share widely the learning
Identify impact of Improving information communication
PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Manchester 4 Key issues Issues Providing evidence from each site that relates to the study objectives set in the brief while being sensitive to the different approaches being adopted in each area Developing a Routine Data Set that is relevant to each site and which can be enhanced by additional local material that is specific to particular sites Recognition of the different target groups under consideration in each site Response Overarching evaluation framework – covering both a) process of development and b) service delivery and outcomes Multiple case study design, not a single approach … informed and agreed by discussion with each site Ultimately signed off by the steering group and National Research Ethics Committee
PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Manchester 5 Two broad strands process and implementation – the process of setting-up and executing the programme and the subsequent cultural change that occurs as a result Led by SQW Intended to be fieldwork at regular intervals service delivery and outcomes – the resultant service user, carer, and workforce engagement and subsequent outcomes that are experienced as a result of participating in the programme Led by PSSRU, with support from GfK Tailored approaches to reflect different user groups and timings
PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Manchester 6 Key tasks undertaken to date Introductory visits to sites Refinement of research framework and design of research tools Ethical approval and research governance arrangements
PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Manchester 7 From site visits The wide range of activities being pursued Some areas much clearer in their approaches than others Conceptualising what they are doing that we can evaluate Focussing on where IT is used (not paper) and users/ carers benefit … and on the scale of activity But generally it appears lower than we anticipated Especially in the time period The challenge in defining what a ‘go live’ date actually was Often incremental development (paper, local IT, national IT) New systems rolled out to staff before users/carers Go live dates subject to change
PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Manchester 8 Research tools Process and implementation Individual site case study report outline Topic guide for project leader consultations Topic guide for staff focus groups Topic guide for user representative consultation Topic guide for consultation with IT professionals Implementation costs – staff and money Service delivery and outcomes Service users routine data set Staff well being and time use Service user assessment satisfaction survey Service user and carer outcomes Carer outcomes Engagement with new technology Assessment document analysis Assessment pathway
Several Hoops to pass through
PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Manchester 10 Ethics and research governance National application submitted in September Attended committee in October Formal clearance November Now working through local arrangements Require both Local Authority and NHS clearance As yet not fully formally agreed in any site We would really welcome your help in speeding things along
PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Manchester 11 Local discussion – working towards Identify settings where CAF influences assessment and care pathway for study Identify agreed local NHS contact/collaborator for research (required for Res Gov) Research Governance in place LA and NHS (within agreed National REC parameters) Agreed routine data set collection process Local plan for data collection from users/carers experiencing CAF processes and similar people not doing so Local agreement for access to a range of staff for interviews in NHS and LA
PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Manchester 12 So that we can… Begin collecting user/carer data as soon as possible Especially as we know in some cases users are beginning to experience the new approaches Map out the delivery experience and lessons Describe and evidence the legacy of the CAF programme Ensure the lessons can be shared widely with interested parties
One CAF experience
PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Manchester 14 Contact Graham Thom Associate Director SQW Consulting t e. w. Prof David Challis Director PSSRU University of Manchester t e. Claire Ivins Divisional Director GfK NOP Social Research t e.