12 September Southend Local Area Agreement (Draft) Southend Together Board 12 September 2006
2 Introduction Southend Together has been developing the borough’s Sustainable Community Strategy and LAA since April with a view to finalising in the New Year. The borough’s Sustainable Community Strategy is the overarching plan for Southend setting out the vision and key priorities for the town. The current plan is being renewed having been produced in The LAA is a three year agreement between an area’s partners (ie Southend Together) and central government that focuses on achieving priorities drawn from the SCS and allows for greater flexibility and some extra resources in delivering them. The LAA is structured around four ‘blocks’ of services and Southend Together Executive assigned leads for each block: Children & Young People - Paul Greenhalgh – Director of Children & Learning. Safer – Steve Worron (Chief Inspector), Stronger – Maureen Frewin (SAVS) Healthier Communities and Older People - Gary Scott (Director of Primary Care, Southend PCT) Economic Development Mike Lambert – (Chief Executive, Renaissance Southend)
12 September The relationship between the SCS, LAA and local action Planning Sustainable Community Strategy Sets out the collective evidence-based vision for the area Local Area Agreement Sets out the priority outcomes for the area over the next three years Local Action Planning Sets out how these outcomes will be delivered and by when
12 September Block leads – work to date includes….. Identifying priorities for Southend; Identifying potential outcomes to meet priorities; Engaging with key stakeholders through existing partnerships, block teams and other mechanisms; Identifying how to translate outcomes into actions; Identifying baseline data and suitable targets; Identifying potential areas for ‘stretch’ targets (attracting £0.9m pump priming resources and £5m in reward if all targets met at end of 3 years).
12 September Criteria for inclusion of LAA Outcomes They are mandatory; One of a small number of priority outcomes where a determined focus, partnership working and/or innovation will make an impact over and above what is currently being done. They have been identified as a priority for Southend from existing policies, strategies or plans; They have been identified as a priority by the people of Southend in previous consultation exercises; They have been rated by Southend Together Board as a priority and/or will benefit from partnership working; NB. The draft contains gaps which will be completed in the coming months with further work undertaken in relation to the actions required to deliver outcomes; alignment of resources against outcomes; and the appropriate governance arrangements to oversee the delivery of the LAA.
12 September The key messages so far have been informed by: Consultation with the community and stakeholders Community Conferences held by Southend Together (2002, 2003, 2004) Consultation with hard to reach groups (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005) Southend Consultation Panel (2005) Best Value User Satisfaction Surveys (2000/01, 2003/04) Primary Care Trust Survey (2004) Police Community Consultative Group Performance indicators and statistics for southend Audit Commission Data Profile for Southend Neighbourhood Statistics GO-East Data held on Southend Local Area Agreement Outcomes The work on outcomes for the LAA
12 September The key messages so far have been informed by: Borough Local Plan Children and Young People’s Plan Crime, Disorder and Drugs Strategy East of England Plan Economic Development Policy Statement Making Culture Count – Cultural Strategy for Southend Regeneration Framework Regional Economic Strategy South East Essex Sexual Health Framework South East Essex Obesity Strategy Southend’s Local Biodiversity Action Plan Southend Local Development Framework Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Corporate Plan Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Homelessness Strategy Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Housing Strategy Southend Primary Care Trusts Business Plan Southend Strategic Service Delivery Plan Thames Gateway South Essex Business Plan for Transport Existing key strategies – all have been subject to consultation
12 September Key messages from residents Oct/Nov 2005 Southend Consultation Panel Most important services provided by the Council: Community safety and crime prevention work (49%) Keeping roads and footpaths in good repair (28%) Preventing drug and alcohol abuse (27%) Refuse collection (24%) Parks and open spaces (21%) Services for older people (18%) Children’s Social Services; Recycling; Regeneration (all 13%) June/July 2005 Southend Consultation Panel What the Council should be doing more on: Tackling anti social behaviour (81%) Reducing crime and fear of crime (81%) Regenerating deprived and run down areas (70%) Doing more to keep Southend clean and tidy (63%) Reducing road congestion (61%) Encouraging less waste and more recycling (60%) The Most important priority for Council over next few years Tackling ASB (41%) Reducing crime and fear of crime (31%) Reducing road congestion (12%) Protecting vulnerable children from harm and giving them help to fulfil potential (11%) Regenerating deprived and run-down area (11%) Doing more to keep Southend clean and tidy (11%) 2003 Residents Survey (BVPI) Most important things in making somewhere a good place to live: Low level of Crime (76%) Clean Streets (58%) Health Services (49%) Affordable decent housing (36%) Parks and Open spaces (34%) Education Provision (29%) Shopping facilities (26%) Things that most need improving in local area: Level of Crime (59%) Level of traffic congestion (49%) Clean streets (47%) Road and pavement repairs (38%) Activities for teenagers (38%) Health services (27%) Public transport (24%)
12 September Key Themes for LAA Safer and Stronger Communities: - Reduce Crime & Fear of Crime –M - Build respect and reduce ASB – M - Reduce harm of drugs – M - Empower local people to have greater choice and influence on local decisions and services – M - Improve quality of life in most disadvantaged neighbourhoods – M - Reduce waste and increase recycling – M - Cleaner, greener environment Healthier Communities: -Improve health and reduce inequalities – M -Increase choice and control for older people Children & Young People - Under 18 conception rates – M - Journeys to school – M - Improve preventative services for children in need - Improve educational attainment at KS4 (GCSE) - Involve young people in decision making year olds not in education, employment or training – M Economic Development & Enterprise - Increase skills - Increase business survival rates - Increasing competitiveness - Increasing employment M=Mandatory
12 September Stakeholder engagement includes…. Voluntary and Community Sector - Introductory Workshop – 18 July - Community Forum – 25 September Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership Board: 5 September. Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership Executive: 15 June, 20 July. Children & Learning Partnership Board: 19 May Children & Young People Strategic Partnership: 22 June Children & Young People Strategic Partnership Executive: 24 May; 27 July; 24 Aug. PCT Joint Board & Executive Committee: 22 June. SHIPN (Southend Health Improvement Partnership Network): 31 August Health & Communities Board for Adults (due to meet before end of Sept) Economic Development & Enterprise Partnership: - first meeting yet to be scheduled.
12 September Time-table 1 June – ST Executive 27 June - ST Board workshop on a potential vision; SCS themes and consideration of LAA outcomes; 27 July – ST Executive; 30 Aug– ST Executive – consider 1st draft LAA submission. 12 September: ST Board – consider 1st draft LAA submission 15 September: LAA submission to Go East 25 September: Community Forum. 5 October –GO feedback Sept/Oct: Further consultation (SBC Members; Hard to Reach Groups and others identified). 16 October: Submission of 1st draft to DCLG of the LAA. November: Southend Consultation Panel 8 November: VCS Community Conference 17 November: End of period of consultation with Central Government departments. 21 November – ST Board 24 November – further submission to GO 14 December: Finalised draft of LAA to GO. January: Final sign off by SBC Cabinet, PCT, Police, VCS. February: Finalised LAA signed with Central Government.