The breast disease
Benign disease Present as; 1. Pain 2. Mass 3. Discharge 4. Abnormal appearance
diagnosis History /examination Mammogram /ultrasound FNA. trucut biopsy biopsy(excision.Incision)
Pathology Mass. Skin –sebaceous cyst. Fat-lipoma. Breast tissue-fibro adenoma. Galactocel. Fat necrosis. Cyst. Fibrocystic. Ductecteas.
pathology Discharge /mass 1. Fibrocystic changes 2. Ductectasia 3. Intraduct papiloma.
pathology Pain /mass 1. Abscess 2. fibrocystic
Carcinoma Breast
Carcinoma breast Risk factor 1. Family history BRCA1 BRCA2 2. Contraceptive pill 3. Early menarche late menopause 4. Contra lateral breast disease 5. Prolifrative breast disease 6. Age of first pregnancy
Staging Stage 1 –confined to breast <2cm Stage 2- more than 2cm <5cm with lymph node Stage 3-more than 5cm with fixed node Stage 4-any size any node if there is metastasis
Treatment For stag 1 +2 surgery is the treatment For stag 3+4 chemotherapy surgery. Mastectomy +axillary clearance Lumpectomy +axillary clearance +radiation
lumpectomy Size of the breast and the size of the mass Site of the mass Availability of radiation therapy Early pregnancy Multicentric tumor
Type of ca breast Paget.s disease. Ductal carcinoma. Lubular carcinoma. Sarcoma. Lymphoma.