MONEY Master the Game Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins Entrepreneur Motivational Speaker Business Strategist Philanthropist Multi-Millionaire/Billionaire Author: Money – Master the Game Book & 6 Earlier Books
7 Steps to Financial Freedom Be an investor (Miracle of Compounding) Know the Rules (Cost of Investing/Hidden Fees) Setting Realistic Goals Asset Allocation, Diversification, Cost Lifetime Income Plan Invest Like the .001% - Billionaires Enjoy a Better Life - Philanthropy
Myths Invest in Actively Managed Mutual Funds –Truth: 96% Fail to beat S&P Index (14 years Mutual Funds 2.59% vs S&P 9.38%) Mutual Funds Are Cheap – Truth: Fees Average 3.17% (2 % over 10 years = 28%) Published Mutual Fund Returns – Truth: Time Weighted Returns vs Dollar Weighted Returns (Time Weighted 0 % vs Dollar Weighted -43 %!) Broker Here to Help – Truth: Broker is not Your Friend (Broker Yachts vs Customer Yachts or 49 % of Mutual Fund Managers own 0 % of Funds)
Myths Retirement is a 401K Away – Truth: Fees take up 50/70 Percent of Income (DOL Audits Fined 75 % of Funds Audited (Fees 3.1% Forbes) Target Date Funds Just Do It & Forget It – Truth: High Fees, Exception Vanguard I Hate Annuities and So Should You – Truth: Life-Time Annuities, Roth IRA, Fixed Index Annuities, PPLI are Good. Variable Annuities Have High Fees, 4.8% except Vanguard & TIAA-CREF(Ben Bernanke’s Two Largest Holdings are Annuities)
Myths You Have to Take Huge Risks to get Big Rewards – Truth: Structured Notes, Market Linked CDs, Fixed Index Annuities, Protect Principle (Warren Buffet – Don’t Lose Money, Rule 2 See Rule 1)
The .001 Percent BILLIONAIRES
David Swenson Yale Endowment Portfolio Manager $1B to $23.9 B in 27 years 13.9 % Annual Return Portfolio 20 % Wilshire Total Market 20 % FTSE Market All REIT 20 % MSCI ACWI ex USA 15 % Barclays US Long Credit 15 % US Treasury Tips 10 % MSCI EM PR USD
David Swenson Notable Comments: Investors Interest TIAA-CREF & Vanguard Mutual Funds Far Worse than Publicized Levers: Asset Allocation, Proportions, Timing Believes Asset Allocation > 100 % Diversification is a Free Lunch Index Funds are Maximum Diversification Tax-Advantage Investment 401K, Roth IRA,etc Never Underestimate the US Economy
Ray Dalio Bridgewater Investments $160 B Under Management 9.88 % Net Annual Return Over 40 Years in All Weather Portfolio 6 Losing Years Avg. 1.47 %, Worst 3.9% Market Timing is Playing Poker With the Best Players in the World All Seasons Portfolio More Than Doubled the Performance of the S&P between 2000 & 2014
Ray Dalio Portfolio 30 % Stock, S&P 500 15 % Intermediate Bonds 40 % Long-Term Bonds 7.5 % Gold 7.5 % Commodities
Ray Dalio Stocks are 3 Times Riskier Than Bonds S&P Lost 9 Times in 40 Years with a Total Loss of 134 % while Bonds lost 3 Times with a Loss of 6 % 50/50 Portfolio is like having 95 percent of Your Risk in Stock, Money & Risk not balanced 4 Factors Effect the Price of Assets Inflation, Deflation, Economic Growth &Declining Economic Growth
Mark Faber PHD Economics Member of Barron’s Roundtable Publisher of Gloom, Boom & Doom Report Since 2000, Annual Return of 23 % Emerging Market Bonds Act Like Equities Portfolio 30 % Cash & Bonds 20 % Stock 30 % Real Estate 20 % Gold
Paul Tudor Jones Tudor Investment Corporation $13 Billion Fund 28 Years Without a Loss Including 2008 Number 1 Risk Control Factors are Diversification & Asset Allocation Uses Heavily the 200 Day Moving Average Philosophy: Five to One, Risk vs Reward, Allows Him to be Wrong 80 % of the Time Anticipation is the Ultimate Power
Other Investment Gurus Warren Buffett John Bogle Kyle Bass Charles Schwab Carl Icahn T. Boone Pickens Sir John Templeton David Einhorn
WISDOMS Have a Strategy & Plan Never Lose Money, Second Rule See Rule 1 (50 % loss Requires a 100 % Gain) Invest at the Maximum of Pessimism (Blood in the Water) When Going Well, Human Nature Takes Over, Meltdown People Run for Cover. Discipline is Essential in Investing, Dollar Cost Averaging Risk Control (Risk vs Reward) Knowledge is Potential, Execution is Mastery Diversification, Asset Allocation, Cost & Tax Efficiency Power of Compounding (for 7 Remember the 72 Rule) However the Strategy, Look at the Results Very Few Beat the Market (10 %, Shoot %) Taking Huge Risks For Maximum Rewards – Not a Good Idea