294 ÷ 14
Look at the division problem. The divisor, 14, can be divided into the first two digits of the dividend, 29, since you can get groups of 14 out of 29. Use the base 10 number to start dividing. 294 ÷ 14 divisor dividend
Start a work space to multiply the divisor, 14, by multiples of ten until a product is close to 294 ◦ You get 14 x 100 = ÷ 14
Draw a rectangle, and write the 140 from your work space inside the rectangle. 294 ÷
Start a workspace subtracting the number in the rectangle from the dividend, ÷ x 10 Subtracting workspace ______________ )
You see that 14 x 10 = 140 is less than 154. You’ll have to multiply 14 times 10 again. 294 ÷ 14
Multiply 14 times 10 to get 140. You are left with ÷ x 10 Subtracting workspace _______________ )
You must figure out how many times 14 goes into 14. The answer is 1 so we add that to our area model. 294 ÷ x 10 Subtracting workspace _______________ )
You find the quotient to the problem by adding the numbers on top. The answer is ÷ x 10 Subtracting workspace _______________ ) = 21