Monday, September 28 th Good Morning and welcome back! Make sure you copy down what is below in your ELA A notebook (If you finish all of this early, study your skeletal notes from Friday…but only if you enjoy candy): Today’s EU: Authors use actions, conversations, thoughts, physical appearances, and the views of others for characterization (the process of creating and developing a character) Today’s EQs: What is perspective? What is a false impression? How does Gary Soto characterize his main character, Victor? Warm-Up Question: What are some things that 7 th graders do to impress each other?
Today you will: Review the Elements of Fiction covered on Friday Be introduced to the concept of perspective Briefly discuss impressions Reading of “Seventh Grade” Your first Heads Up Hands Down Quiz Tonight’s HW: Character Response (Copy this down now)
Elements of Fiction Review
A Matter of Perspective WHAT IS PERSPECTIVE?
Perspective (record this in your notebook) A point of view An angle from which you look at something One’s perspective also depends on your background experiences and your beliefs
Optical Illusions Take a look at the illusions that will appear on the screen. Jot down what you see when you look at the illusion. Compare your perspective to the perspective of others.
How Many Legs Does the Elephant Have?
What Do You See??
So what did we see?
Optical Illusions help illustrate that not everyone sees something the same way that you do. Always keep that in mind when interacting with others
What is an impression?
Impression- noun 1. an effect produced in the mind by a stimulus; sensation: “He gave the impression of wanting to help.” 2. an imprint or mark produced by pressing: “He left the impression of his finger in the mud.” 3. a strong, favorable, or remarkable effect: “He made an impression on the managers.”
Reading Bonus Points Any time we read in class, you have the chance to earn yourself some bonus points for this class. Whenever we read a story as I class, I will begin the reading. After that, I will ask for volunteers to read different sections (the length of the sections will vary, depending on what we are reading) Any student who is chosen to read will earn a bonus point for that class. You can earn as many as FIVE bonus points a marking period
“Seventh Grade” Vocabulary Conviction Elective Ferocity Linger Scowl
“Seventh Grade” Vocabulary Conviction- a strong belief Elective- a school subject chosen by the student Ferocity- extreme fierceness Linger- to continue to stay Scowl- to look angry by frowning
“Seventh Grade” reading focus: Characterization While reading, think about how the author, Gary Soto, characterizes the people in his stories. Take notice of: -What the characters say -What the characters think -What the characters look like -How others respond to the characters
Heads Up/Hands Down Class Quiz Aside from French, what other class does Victor have with Teresa? A.) Homeroom B.) Math C.) English D.) Science
When does this story take place? A.) a random seventh grade school day B.) The first day of seventh grade C.) The last day of seventh grade D.) The author does not reveal this
Where does this story take place? A.) Phoenix, Arizona B.) Fresno, California C.) An unnamed town in New Mexico D.) The author does not reveal this
What is the name of Victor’s scowling friend? A.) Louis B.) Melvin C.) Michael D.) Raul
How much French does Victor know how to speak? A.) A lot B.) A little C.) None at all D.) The author never reveals this
Closing Discussion Question What do you think of Victor at the end of the story?