BES III reconstruction software planning for Summer 2004 BES III reconstruction software planning for Summer 2004 Li Weidong
11 February 2004BES III Software Meeting2 Purpose and time schedule Purpose developing reconstruction algorithms for MDC, EM Calorimeter, TOF and Muon Counter in a “light-weight” environment. the algorithms are intended to be self-contained with a minimal and well defined interface. It should be easy to run the algorithms in a new framework. performance measurements for simulated single particles e.g. electons, pions, muons and gammas. Integral performance test by combining reconstructed information from more than one system. Time schedule beginning of February 2004 to mid of mid June 2004
11 February 2004BES III Software Meeting3 Software environment Based on the BESF framework 3.0 Software configuration management tool: CMT Use pseudo raw data format Temporarily ignoring other aspects like data management and raw data access, make a shortcut especially for algorithm development: Input: ASCII data file prepared by BOOST Output: ntuples which contain M.C. truth information and reconstructed information
11 February 2004BES III Software Meeting4 Input Data File The Input data files are prepared by BOOST and contain the following information: Particle level information (KINE) arranged per event. RAW data (MDC, TOF, EC and Muon Counter) Information to allow association of reconstructed tracks with particle level information.
11 February 2004BES III Software Meeting5 Common ASCII file format General syntax of data block in the ASCII file { [TAG name] [data......] } [TAG name] The file contains the following blocks : { VERSION [ version information ] } VERSIONVERSION { EVENTEVENT { EVHEAD { EVHEAD [event no. etc.] } EVHEAD { KINE [info for kine] } KINEKINE { MDCDIGI [ MDC pseudo raw data ] } MDCDIGIDIGI { TOFDIGI [ TOF pseudo raw data ] } MDCDIGIDIGI { CALDIGI [ calorimeter pseudo raw data ] } CALDIGICALDIGI } EVENT
11 February 2004BES III Software Meeting6 The output ntuple: Event Block EVENT Block : IdRun : run no. IdEvent : event no Status : status = 0: OK, status != 0 : error status code bit#0: KINE block trancated bit#1: MDC block truncated bit#2: TOF block truncated bit#3: EC block truncated bit#4: MC block truncated
11 February 2004BES III Software Meeting7 KINE block nKin : no. kine for each kine : kId(ikin) : no. of KINE in GEANT jKINE structure kPar(ikin) : entry no. (ikin) of parent kBrem(ikin) : entry no. (ikin) of highest Et Brem kProd(ikin) : entry no. of highest pT product kBro(ikin) : for Brem and Products : entry no. of next highest pT Brem/product kprt(ikin) : PDG particle codePDG particle code kPt(ikin) : Pt kEta(ikin) : pseudo-rapidity kPhi0(ikin) : phi at closest approach to origin kd0(ikin) : xy distance of closest approach to origin kZ0(ikin) : z distance of closest approach to origin kRv(ikin) : production radius kZv(ikin) : Z of production vertex
11 February 2004BES III Software Meeting8 Sub-detector block ( MDC ) dcNtracks : no. track candidates reconstructed for each track : dcTrkId(idc) : track ID dcPt(idc) : pT dcPhi0(idc) : directional phi at origin dcD0(idc) : impact parameter (cm) dcz0(idc) : z intercept (cm) dcEta(idc) : eta dcNhits(idc) : no. hits dcKnHit(idc) : no. hits contribute by associated KINE. dcKin(idc) : index of associated KINE in KINE block (numbering 1 to nKin)
11 February 2004BES III Software Meeting9 Reconstruction algorithms and developers MDC tracking Zang ShiLei MDC fast tracking and dE/dx recoWang DaYong EM Calorimeter reco Wang Zhe TOF reconstruction ? Muon Finder You ZhenYun
11 February 2004BES III Software Meeting10 Input and ouput service developers Wang DaYong, Li Weidong … The code is expected to be delivered at the end of February.
11 February 2004BES III Software Meeting11 Parallel work and study Study new framework based on Gaudi ( Zhang Xueyao, Zhang Xiaomei, Huang XingTao, Qiu JinFa and Li Weidong ) Data Management ( Zhang Xueyao and Huang XingTao ) Design and implementation for accessing to raw data, raw data serialization and unpacking, online and offline identifier conversion. ( Zhang Xiaomei ) Design of BES III Calibration ( Qiu JinFa )