Paulo Repa 1. 1. 2 0 10 1 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Paulo Repa


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Presentation transcript:

Paulo Repa Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Paulo Repa

2 LDAP Paulo Repa What is a directory?

3 LDAP Paulo Repa Directory Information Tree o=acme ou=Salesou=Marketingou=Product Development cn=Fred cn=Joe cn=Lotty cn=Fred,ou=Sales,o=acme DN for Fred in Sales: cn=eng_lw3 cn=lpr1

4 LDAP Paulo Repa Directory Solutions  Netscape Directory Server (iPlanet)  SCO UnixWare 7  IBM SecureWay (formerly eNetwork)  Novell NDS  OpenLdap (Linux)  Recommended

5 LDAP Paulo Repa  Directory server setup  Schema  ACLs  Data backup and restore  LDIF UnixWare 7 Directory

6 LDAP Paulo Repa Directory Setup scoadmin ldap

7 LDAP Paulo Repa Backend Setup

8 LDAP Paulo Repa  Directory server setup  Schema  ACLs  Data backup and restore  LDIF UnixWare 7 Directory

9 LDAP Paulo Repa Attribute Schema  Defined in  Specifies attribute syntax attributejpegphotobin attributetelephonenumbertel attributeuserpasswordces

10 LDAP Paulo Repa Objectclass Schema objectclass simplePerson requires cn, sn, objectClass allows jpegPhoto, mail, telephoneNumber, userPassword, creatorsName, createtimestamp, modifiersname, modifytimestamp  Defines object contents  Defined in slapd.oc.conf

11 LDAP Paulo Repa  Directory server setup  Schema  ACLs  Data backup and restore  LDIF UnixWare 7 Directory

12 LDAP Paulo Repa ACLs access to attr=userPassword by self write by * none ldapstop -i acme ldapstart -i acme  Controls access for read, write, search, compare and delete operations  Entry or attribute level  Defined in slapd.acl.conf

13 LDAP Paulo Repa  Directory server setup  Schema  ACLs  Data backup and restore  LDIF UnixWare 7 Directory

14 LDAP Paulo Repa Data Backup and Restore  ldbmcat -n id2entry.dbb  ldif2ldbm -i data.ldif  Don’t forget directory configuration

15 LDAP Paulo Repa  Directory server setup  Schema  ACLs  Data backup and restore  LDIF UnixWare 7 Directory

16 LDAP Paulo Repa LDIF  LDAP Data Interchange Format  Portable  Human readable (almost...) dn: o=acme objectclass: organization o: acme

17 LDAP Paulo Repa LDIF Update Statements  add  delete  modify (attribute add, delete, replace)  moddn dn: cn=Joe, ou=Product Development, o=acme changetype: modify replace: telephoneNumber telephoneNumber:

18 LDAP Paulo Repa LDAP Commands  ldapsearch  ldapmodify  ldapadd  ldapdelete  ldapmodrdn

19 LDAP Paulo Repa ldapsearch ldapsearch -h -D “cn=admin” -w “secret” -b “o=acme” -s one “objectclass=*”

20 LDAP Paulo Repa ldapmodify ldapmodify -h -D “cn=admin” -w “secret” -f modifications.ldif dn: cn=Joe, ou=Product Development, o=acme replace: telephoneNumber telephoneNumber:

21 LDAP Paulo Repa ldapadd ldapmodify -a -h -D “cn=admin” -w “secret” -f additions.ldif ldapadd -h -D “cn=admin” -w “secret” -f additions.ldif

22 LDAP Paulo Repa ldapdelete ldapdelete -h -D “cn=admin” -w “secret” cn=Fred,ou=Sales,o=acme

23 LDAP Paulo Repa ldapmodrdn ldapmodrdn -h -D “cn=admin” -w “secret” -r cn=lpr,ou=Sales,o=acme cn=sales_lw1

24 LDAP Paulo Repa Using the UnixWare 7 LDAP API  Library / Binding to the server  Search  Compare  Add  Modify  Asynchronous LDAP calls

25 LDAP Paulo Repa LDAP C API  UnixWare 7 ldap package  LDAP C API - RFC1823  LDAP v2 - RFC1777 #include cc -o app -lldap -llber -lresolv src.c

26 LDAP Paulo Repa Binding to the server LDAP *ld; ld = ldap_open(“”,LDAP_PORT); if (ldap_simple_bind_s(ld,“cn=admin”,“secret”) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldap_perror(ld,“bind example”); return; } if (ldap_unbind_s(ld) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldap_perror(ld,“bind example”); return; } … LDAP directory operations (search, modify,...)...

27 LDAP Paulo Repa Using the UnixWare 7 LDAP API  Library / Binding to the server  Search  Compare  Add  Modify  Asynchronous LDAP calls

28 LDAP Paulo Repa Search - API call LDAPMessage *res, *entry; BerElement *ber; char *attr, *dn, **vals, **vp; if (ldap_search_s(ld, “o=acme”, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, “telephoneNumber=958*”, 0, &res) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldap_perror(ld, “search example”); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }

29 LDAP Paulo Repa Search - Process Data for (entry = ldap_first_entry(ld, res); entry != NULL; entry = ldap_next_entry(ld, entry)) { if (dn = ldap_get_dn(ld, entry)) { printf(“dn: %s\n”, dn); free(dn); } for (attr=ldap_first_attribute(ld, entry, &ber); attr != NULL; attr=ldap_next_attribute(ld, entry, ber)) { vals = ldap_get_values(ld, entry, attr); for (vp = vals; vp && *vp; vp++) printf(“%s: %s\n”, attr, *vp); ldap_value_free(vals); } if (ber) ber_free(ber, 0); } ldap_msgfree(res);

30 LDAP Paulo Repa Using the UnixWare 7 LDAP API  Library / Binding to the server  Search  Compare  Add  Modify  Asynchronous LDAP calls

31 LDAP Paulo Repa Compare - API call Matches for an attribute type of “tel” syntax if ((res = ldap_compare_s(ld, “cn=Fred, ou=Sales, o=acme”, “telephoneNumber”, “ ”)) == -1) { ldap_perror(ld, “compare example”); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (res = LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE) // Attribute type and value found else // Not found dn: cn=Fred, ou=Sales, o=acme objectclass: simplePerson cn: Fred sn: Jones telephoneNumber:

32 LDAP Paulo Repa Using the UnixWare 7 LDAP API  Library / Binding to the server  Search  Compare  Add  Modify  Asynchronous LDAP calls

33 LDAP Paulo Repa LDAPMod structure  One structure per attribute type  Add, delete and replace operations  Text or binary data  Multiple values mod_op mod_type mod_values LDAP_MOD_ADD “mailAliasMembers” “Joe” “Lotty”

34 LDAP Paulo Repa char *cnvals[]={"John", NULL}, *snvals[]={"Smith", NULL}; char *objvals[]={”simplePerson", NULL}; LDAPMod mod[3], *mods[4]; mod[0].mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; mod[0].mod_type = "cn"; mod[0].mod_values = cnvals; mod[1].mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; mod[1].mod_type = "sn"; mod[1].mod_values = snvals; mod[2].mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; mod[2].mod_type = "objectClass"; mod[2].mod_values = objvals; for (i=0; i < sizeof(mod) / sizeof(LDAPMod); i++) mods[i] = &mod[i]; mods[i] = NULL; Add Entry - Data

35 LDAP Paulo Repa if (ldap_add_s(ld, “cn=John,ou=Marketing,o=acme”,&mods[0]) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldap_perror(ld, “add example”); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Add Entry - API call dn: cn=John, ou=Marketing, o=acme objectclass: simplePerson cn: John sn: Smith

36 LDAP Paulo Repa Using the UnixWare 7 LDAP API  Library / Binding to the server  Search  Compare  Add  Modify  Asynchronous LDAP calls

37 LDAP Paulo Repa char *snvals[] = { “Smithe”, NULL}; char *telvals[] = { “ ”, NULL}; LDAPMod mod[2], *mods[3]; mod[0].mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mod[0].mod_type = "sn"; mod[0].mod_values = snvals; mod[1].mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; mod[1].mod_type = ”telephoneNumber"; mod[1].mod_values = telvals; for (i=0; i < sizeof(mod) / sizeof(LDAPMod); i++) mods[i] = &mod[i]; mods[i] = NULL; Modify Entry - Data

38 LDAP Paulo Repa if (ldap_modify_s(ld,“cn=John,ou=Marketing,o=acme”,&mods[0]) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldap_perror(ld, “modify example”); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Modify Entry - API call dn: cn=John, ou=Marketing, o=acme objectclass: simplePerson cn: John sn: Smithe telephoneNumber:

39 LDAP Paulo Repa Using the UnixWare 7 LDAP API  Library / Binding to the server  Search  Compare  Add  Modify  Asynchronous LDAP calls

40 LDAP Paulo Repa Asynchronous LDAP calls  Client need not block  Operations may be multiplexed on a connection  Function names omit “_s” int msgid, rc; if ((msgid = ldap_search(ld, “o=acme”, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, “objectclass=*”, NULL, 0)) == -1) error_handler(); while ((rc = ldap_result(ld, msgid, 0, NULL, &result)) == LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY) { process_results(result); ldap_msgfree(result); }

41 LDAP Paulo Repa Bibliography  LDAP: Programming Directory-Enabled Applications with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol –Howes, Smith  RFC Lightweight Directory Access Protocol  RFC The LDAP Application Program Interface