Paulo Repa Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Paulo Repa
2 LDAP Paulo Repa What is a directory?
3 LDAP Paulo Repa Directory Information Tree o=acme ou=Salesou=Marketingou=Product Development cn=Fred cn=Joe cn=Lotty cn=Fred,ou=Sales,o=acme DN for Fred in Sales: cn=eng_lw3 cn=lpr1
4 LDAP Paulo Repa Directory Solutions Netscape Directory Server (iPlanet) SCO UnixWare 7 IBM SecureWay (formerly eNetwork) Novell NDS OpenLdap (Linux) Recommended
5 LDAP Paulo Repa Directory server setup Schema ACLs Data backup and restore LDIF UnixWare 7 Directory
6 LDAP Paulo Repa Directory Setup scoadmin ldap
7 LDAP Paulo Repa Backend Setup
8 LDAP Paulo Repa Directory server setup Schema ACLs Data backup and restore LDIF UnixWare 7 Directory
9 LDAP Paulo Repa Attribute Schema Defined in Specifies attribute syntax attributejpegphotobin attributetelephonenumbertel attributeuserpasswordces
10 LDAP Paulo Repa Objectclass Schema objectclass simplePerson requires cn, sn, objectClass allows jpegPhoto, mail, telephoneNumber, userPassword, creatorsName, createtimestamp, modifiersname, modifytimestamp Defines object contents Defined in slapd.oc.conf
11 LDAP Paulo Repa Directory server setup Schema ACLs Data backup and restore LDIF UnixWare 7 Directory
12 LDAP Paulo Repa ACLs access to attr=userPassword by self write by * none ldapstop -i acme ldapstart -i acme Controls access for read, write, search, compare and delete operations Entry or attribute level Defined in slapd.acl.conf
13 LDAP Paulo Repa Directory server setup Schema ACLs Data backup and restore LDIF UnixWare 7 Directory
14 LDAP Paulo Repa Data Backup and Restore ldbmcat -n id2entry.dbb ldif2ldbm -i data.ldif Don’t forget directory configuration
15 LDAP Paulo Repa Directory server setup Schema ACLs Data backup and restore LDIF UnixWare 7 Directory
16 LDAP Paulo Repa LDIF LDAP Data Interchange Format Portable Human readable (almost...) dn: o=acme objectclass: organization o: acme
17 LDAP Paulo Repa LDIF Update Statements add delete modify (attribute add, delete, replace) moddn dn: cn=Joe, ou=Product Development, o=acme changetype: modify replace: telephoneNumber telephoneNumber:
18 LDAP Paulo Repa LDAP Commands ldapsearch ldapmodify ldapadd ldapdelete ldapmodrdn
19 LDAP Paulo Repa ldapsearch ldapsearch -h -D “cn=admin” -w “secret” -b “o=acme” -s one “objectclass=*”
20 LDAP Paulo Repa ldapmodify ldapmodify -h -D “cn=admin” -w “secret” -f modifications.ldif dn: cn=Joe, ou=Product Development, o=acme replace: telephoneNumber telephoneNumber:
21 LDAP Paulo Repa ldapadd ldapmodify -a -h -D “cn=admin” -w “secret” -f additions.ldif ldapadd -h -D “cn=admin” -w “secret” -f additions.ldif
22 LDAP Paulo Repa ldapdelete ldapdelete -h -D “cn=admin” -w “secret” cn=Fred,ou=Sales,o=acme
23 LDAP Paulo Repa ldapmodrdn ldapmodrdn -h -D “cn=admin” -w “secret” -r cn=lpr,ou=Sales,o=acme cn=sales_lw1
24 LDAP Paulo Repa Using the UnixWare 7 LDAP API Library / Binding to the server Search Compare Add Modify Asynchronous LDAP calls
25 LDAP Paulo Repa LDAP C API UnixWare 7 ldap package LDAP C API - RFC1823 LDAP v2 - RFC1777 #include cc -o app -lldap -llber -lresolv src.c
26 LDAP Paulo Repa Binding to the server LDAP *ld; ld = ldap_open(“”,LDAP_PORT); if (ldap_simple_bind_s(ld,“cn=admin”,“secret”) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldap_perror(ld,“bind example”); return; } if (ldap_unbind_s(ld) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldap_perror(ld,“bind example”); return; } … LDAP directory operations (search, modify,...)...
27 LDAP Paulo Repa Using the UnixWare 7 LDAP API Library / Binding to the server Search Compare Add Modify Asynchronous LDAP calls
28 LDAP Paulo Repa Search - API call LDAPMessage *res, *entry; BerElement *ber; char *attr, *dn, **vals, **vp; if (ldap_search_s(ld, “o=acme”, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, “telephoneNumber=958*”, 0, &res) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldap_perror(ld, “search example”); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
29 LDAP Paulo Repa Search - Process Data for (entry = ldap_first_entry(ld, res); entry != NULL; entry = ldap_next_entry(ld, entry)) { if (dn = ldap_get_dn(ld, entry)) { printf(“dn: %s\n”, dn); free(dn); } for (attr=ldap_first_attribute(ld, entry, &ber); attr != NULL; attr=ldap_next_attribute(ld, entry, ber)) { vals = ldap_get_values(ld, entry, attr); for (vp = vals; vp && *vp; vp++) printf(“%s: %s\n”, attr, *vp); ldap_value_free(vals); } if (ber) ber_free(ber, 0); } ldap_msgfree(res);
30 LDAP Paulo Repa Using the UnixWare 7 LDAP API Library / Binding to the server Search Compare Add Modify Asynchronous LDAP calls
31 LDAP Paulo Repa Compare - API call Matches for an attribute type of “tel” syntax if ((res = ldap_compare_s(ld, “cn=Fred, ou=Sales, o=acme”, “telephoneNumber”, “ ”)) == -1) { ldap_perror(ld, “compare example”); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (res = LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE) // Attribute type and value found else // Not found dn: cn=Fred, ou=Sales, o=acme objectclass: simplePerson cn: Fred sn: Jones telephoneNumber:
32 LDAP Paulo Repa Using the UnixWare 7 LDAP API Library / Binding to the server Search Compare Add Modify Asynchronous LDAP calls
33 LDAP Paulo Repa LDAPMod structure One structure per attribute type Add, delete and replace operations Text or binary data Multiple values mod_op mod_type mod_values LDAP_MOD_ADD “mailAliasMembers” “Joe” “Lotty”
34 LDAP Paulo Repa char *cnvals[]={"John", NULL}, *snvals[]={"Smith", NULL}; char *objvals[]={”simplePerson", NULL}; LDAPMod mod[3], *mods[4]; mod[0].mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; mod[0].mod_type = "cn"; mod[0].mod_values = cnvals; mod[1].mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; mod[1].mod_type = "sn"; mod[1].mod_values = snvals; mod[2].mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; mod[2].mod_type = "objectClass"; mod[2].mod_values = objvals; for (i=0; i < sizeof(mod) / sizeof(LDAPMod); i++) mods[i] = &mod[i]; mods[i] = NULL; Add Entry - Data
35 LDAP Paulo Repa if (ldap_add_s(ld, “cn=John,ou=Marketing,o=acme”,&mods[0]) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldap_perror(ld, “add example”); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Add Entry - API call dn: cn=John, ou=Marketing, o=acme objectclass: simplePerson cn: John sn: Smith
36 LDAP Paulo Repa Using the UnixWare 7 LDAP API Library / Binding to the server Search Compare Add Modify Asynchronous LDAP calls
37 LDAP Paulo Repa char *snvals[] = { “Smithe”, NULL}; char *telvals[] = { “ ”, NULL}; LDAPMod mod[2], *mods[3]; mod[0].mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mod[0].mod_type = "sn"; mod[0].mod_values = snvals; mod[1].mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; mod[1].mod_type = ”telephoneNumber"; mod[1].mod_values = telvals; for (i=0; i < sizeof(mod) / sizeof(LDAPMod); i++) mods[i] = &mod[i]; mods[i] = NULL; Modify Entry - Data
38 LDAP Paulo Repa if (ldap_modify_s(ld,“cn=John,ou=Marketing,o=acme”,&mods[0]) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldap_perror(ld, “modify example”); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Modify Entry - API call dn: cn=John, ou=Marketing, o=acme objectclass: simplePerson cn: John sn: Smithe telephoneNumber:
39 LDAP Paulo Repa Using the UnixWare 7 LDAP API Library / Binding to the server Search Compare Add Modify Asynchronous LDAP calls
40 LDAP Paulo Repa Asynchronous LDAP calls Client need not block Operations may be multiplexed on a connection Function names omit “_s” int msgid, rc; if ((msgid = ldap_search(ld, “o=acme”, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, “objectclass=*”, NULL, 0)) == -1) error_handler(); while ((rc = ldap_result(ld, msgid, 0, NULL, &result)) == LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY) { process_results(result); ldap_msgfree(result); }
41 LDAP Paulo Repa Bibliography LDAP: Programming Directory-Enabled Applications with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol –Howes, Smith RFC Lightweight Directory Access Protocol RFC The LDAP Application Program Interface