The environment Lots of people are not intelligent because they don't protect our world. In our generation we need to protect the world . Now we are going to talk about the 3 R’s
The 3r’s The 3 R’s are: Reuse Reduse Recicle
Reuse We should reuse to have a better environment. Why don’t you use ecopoints? USE the yellow ecopoint (for plastic) the blue ecopoint (for paper / cardboard) the green (for glass)
Reduce To have a better environment we must try to avoid creating waste. Garden waste and food represent a third of the contents of the dumps. The life of our planet is in our hands, we can reduce waste.
Recycle Enormous amounts of energy are required to make products and materials. By recycling items such as paper, glass, plastics and cans, we can use less energy. Textile recycling saves energy and water, which would be used to process raw wool or cotton, or in the manufacture of synthetic fabrics.
A better world Now, we hope you have learned and start to reduce, reuse and recycle for a better world. If you want a better world, take a look at yourself and make the change!