Starter: get out unit 11 LC#2 Let me know TODAY if you would like a “2 nd Chance” on LC#2 – will occur Thur after school Review: Small group problems Set 1: F net equations, pg. 146 (29 – 34) Set 2: equilibrium forces, pg. 147 (39 and 40); pg. 754 (14) This week: Wednesday: exam review/SE review Thursday: (most juniors out for US History EOC) / SE review Friday: Unit 11 Summative exam Advanced Physics
Unit 6: Newton’s 1 st and 2 nd Laws Unit 7: Interaction Forces (Newton’s 3 rd Law) Unit 8: Equilibrium Unit 9, part 1: Projectiles Launched Horizontally Unit 9, part 2: Projectile Motion at an Angle Unit 10: Circular Motion Unit 11: Universal Gravitation Advanced Physics Semester Units
JesseGageKelseyCourtneyConnerChristianKimAshley TDonna BoChaylenBradMichaelaClaarZackBrianWhitneyDakota KaylaHannahAntoniaAustinDestinyJohnnyBeckyPaigeMegan Ashley BMiranda Adv Physics Groups for Unit 11
Starter: turn in hmwk Aspirin lab day 4: weighing Limiting reactant/percent yield practice problems Unit 11 exam: Tomorrow for sophomores and seniors Fri for juniors 2 nd Period Chemistry
Starter: get out SW/APOD sheet Today’s learning targets: I can analyze an astronomy based movie on its portrayal of science. If you weren’t in class on Mon - Give out planetary review and crossword puzzle – due exam day SW/APOD Contact, day 3 Exams – graded and in Infinite Campus…or ask me between classes and I will be glad to tell you your score! Semester exam: Wed, May 29 th Astronomy
Starter: get out learning target sheet; complete a column and the “3-2-1” Today’s learning targets: review all Exam review SMQ – if time permits Unit 11 exam…tomorrow Semester exam: Friday, May 30 th Conceptual Physics
Chem days: W, F Starter: get out lab sheet; who still has out an AP Chemistry review book? Lab: Stoichiometry Using Copper, day 3 Steps 9-12 and cleanup AP Chemistry
Starter: get out calculator, 11-2 and 11-3 practice problems wksts Review for exam Unit 11 exam: tomorrow 7 th Period Chemistry