Embryology Doc. MUDr. Ing. RNDr. Peter Celec, DrSc., MPH
Stem cells Totipotency All tissue types Pluripotency All tissues except placenta and amniotic sac Multipotency Several related tissue types
Programming and reprogramming
Nucleus transfer John Bertrand Gurdon ( ) Nobel prize in Physiology or medicine 2012
Somatic cell nuclear transfer Dolly (5 July 1996 – 14 February 2003)
Cloning Reproductive Therapeutic
iPSC Shinya Yamanaka Kyoto University
iPS Reprogramming of differentiated cells Pluripotency No immune response Without retroviral vectors Without oncogenes pH? Reproducibility
Shinya Yamanaka (1962 – ) Nobel prize 2012 – Physiology or medicine
Malignant transformation Robert Weinberg ( ) Oncogenes Ras Tumor suppressors Rb1
Hallmarks of cancer Hanahan & Weinberg, Cell, 2000
Hallmarks of cancer Hanahan & Weinberg, Cell, 2011
Malignant transformation Bert Vogelstein (1949- ) Vogelgram