Seven Hills Elementary Our Journey Begins
Understand their role in the parent community Know ways they can be involved in their child’s classroom and school. Understand the role of a student at Seven Hills. Understand the many new initiatives at Seven Hills.
In preparation for college, every student will leave their grade at or above grade level, no matter where they start. Teachers, students, families, and community will work in partnership to create a school all children want to attend.
We will send a letter home with you that explains how to use this system.
Making sure my child is rested and prepared for school each day. Knowing how your child is doing by communicating with the teacher by STAR binder, , in person or by phone. Monitor your child’s homework and make sure study time is in a quiet place. Limit TV viewing and read together daily. Be an active participant in your child’s education.
We will have at least two parent/teacher conferences this year. One in the Fall and one in the Spring. Teachers will contact you to set up a conference. Our Fall conferences will be completed by October 9, 2009.
HW may be assigned throughout the week. Homework should take no more than 50 minutes per night. Students should read at least 20 minutes every night or 100 minutes per week. Math-Practice and repetition is very important.
Reading Log should be filled out by student and initialed by parent. The student should be reading 120 minutes a week.
What do we want your children to know? How will we know when they know it? What are we going to do when they don’t know? What are we going to do when they do know it?
STAR Binder STAR Parties Awards
Research based. Designed to provide students time to daily practice good reading strategies with teacher support as needed.
Mrs. Espinosa selects a book each month that the entire school reads together. Classroom teachers and Mrs. Morales incorporate the book into lessons.
Students will read grade-level texts and work together in teams to compete against one another to answer comprehension questions.
Research based. Designed to provide students time to daily practice good writing strategies with teacher support as needed.
Opening-Introduction to lesson. Work Period-Students explore using different strategies, while teacher observes, making notes and interacting with students. Closing-Summarize strategies from least efficient to most efficient.
In preparation for the 5 th grade Science TAKS Using information obtained in the last 5 years of elementary science. Hands-on science inquiry
Students will be studying US history. History Alive This will be embedded in reading and writing workshop.
You will leave tonight with a brochure that lists the essential learnings for your grade level.
Tree Map Double Bubble Multi-Flow Map Bridge Map Circle Map Bubble Map Flow Map Brace Map
Electronic chalkboards Data Projectors Document Cameras Distance Learning Media Cast CPS Receivers Eduphoria Parent Grade Viewer Video Announcements
Math – April 6 Reading – April 7 Science - April 29
8:05-8:55 Specials 9:00-10:10 1 st Period 10:15-11:30 2 nd Period 11:30-12:00 Lunch 12:00 – 12:15 Recess 12:15 – 1:20 3 rd Period 1:25 – 2:40 4 th Period 2:45 Dismissal
What questions do you have for us?