Www.eu-etics.org INFSOM-RI-026753 Project Status Update for All-Hands Meeting Alberto Di Meglio Project Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

INFSOM-RI Project Status Update for All-Hands Meeting Alberto Di Meglio Project Manager

INFSOM-RI nd All-Hands Meeting - Bologna Summary Consortium managementConsortium management Effort consumptionEffort consumption Deliverables statusDeliverables status CollaborationsCollaborations Overall technical statusOverall technical status ReviewReview ETICS IIETICS II Goals of this All-Hands MeetingGoals of this All-Hands Meeting

INFSOM-RI nd All-Hands Meeting - Bologna Consortium Management The Consortium has been running smoothly so farThe Consortium has been running smoothly so far There have been some small deviations from the planned effort that have been quickly addressed and compensatedThere have been some small deviations from the planned effort that have been quickly addressed and compensated All partners have regularly met in the PMB meeting each month as plannedAll partners have regularly met in the PMB meeting each month as planned All WP leaders have regularly met in the ETICS Technical meetings every two weeks as planned (except for a pause during Summer)All WP leaders have regularly met in the ETICS Technical meetings every two weeks as planned (except for a pause during Summer) No major issues have been encounteredNo major issues have been encountered

INFSOM-RI nd All-Hands Meeting - Bologna Effort Tracking Effort consumption for the first nine months:Effort consumption for the first nine months: September timesheets finally completed only last weekSeptember timesheets finally completed only last week Use of PTT is now established, but we still have problems every month with forgotten passwords or expired accountsUse of PTT is now established, but we still have problems every month with forgotten passwords or expired accounts Consumed PMBudgeted PMConsumption Funded % Unfunded % Funded+Unfunded %

INFSOM-RI nd All-Hands Meeting - Bologna Deliverables Status All deliverables up to PM9 have been submitted to the EC within the 45-day deadline with one exception due to a very active review process and absences during the holiday periodAll deliverables up to PM9 have been submitted to the EC within the 45-day deadline with one exception due to a very active review process and absences during the holiday period It still was a close call every time, we have to make sure the PM12 deliverables are not only in time, but possibly a bit early (see discussion later)It still was a close call every time, we have to make sure the PM12 deliverables are not only in time, but possibly a bit early (see discussion later) More details in the individual WP reportsMore details in the individual WP reports QR3 report is in progress. WP and Partners contributions received, last timesheets completed last week. The first draft will be circulated at the end of the week.QR3 report is in progress. WP and Partners contributions received, last timesheets completed last week. The first draft will be circulated at the end of the week.

INFSOM-RI nd All-Hands Meeting - Bologna ETICS Usage ETICS is currently being used or evaluated by several projectsETICS is currently being used or evaluated by several projects More details will be given on Wednesday in the dedicated sessionMore details will be given on Wednesday in the dedicated session The list of projects currently registered in the ETICS Database is:The list of projects currently registered in the ETICS Database is: –gLite –DILIGENT and DILIGENT Tests –NMI –OMII-Europe –Quattor –The Virtual Laboratory for eScience (VL-e) –The Italian National Grid Infrastructure for Financial and Economic Research (EGRID)

INFSOM-RI nd All-Hands Meeting - Bologna Collaborations ETICS has started or strengthened collaborations with several other projectsETICS has started or strengthened collaborations with several other projects EGEE: porting of code is underway, we have very frequent meetings with EGEE/SA3 integration and teams. Testing is suspended for the moment. More details in the dedicated talk on WednesdayEGEE: porting of code is underway, we have very frequent meetings with EGEE/SA3 integration and teams. Testing is suspended for the moment. More details in the dedicated talk on Wednesday DILIGENT: ETICS is currently used for building and testing. More details in the dedicated talk on WednesdayDILIGENT: ETICS is currently used for building and testing. More details in the dedicated talk on Wednesday IT-FIO (Quattor, Lemon, Castor): the Quattor project has been filled with modules and configurations. The Quattor team is now working on porting the rest themselves. Castor should followIT-FIO (Quattor, Lemon, Castor): the Quattor project has been filled with modules and configurations. The Quattor team is now working on porting the rest themselves. Castor should follow

INFSOM-RI nd All-Hands Meeting - Bologna Collaborations e-IRG: attended Finnish open workshop on e- infrastructuree-IRG: attended Finnish open workshop on e- infrastructure OGF: The work on the QA and certification Woking Group continues (more on this from WP5)OGF: The work on the QA and certification Woking Group continues (more on this from WP5) OMII-Europe: Collaboration with OMII-Europe continues on QA, repository and interoperability topics (more details in the dedicated talks Tuesday and Wednesday)OMII-Europe: Collaboration with OMII-Europe continues on QA, repository and interoperability topics (more details in the dedicated talks Tuesday and Wednesday) EUChinaGrid: collaboration on implementation of IPv6 source code checkerEUChinaGrid: collaboration on implementation of IPv6 source code checker NICE: started preliminary discussions on possible collaboration in the integration of test workflows tools in ETICSNICE: started preliminary discussions on possible collaboration in the integration of test workflows tools in ETICS

INFSOM-RI nd All-Hands Meeting - Bologna Overall Technical Status Build/Test Artefacts Web Application Report DB Project DB NMI Scheduler Clients Web Service NMI Client Via browser Via command- Line tools WNs ETICS Infrastructure  Read functions  Job submission X Write functions X Security X Integration of test tools  Read functions X Job submission X Write functions X Security X User dashboard X Reporting  Read functions  Job submission X Write functions X Security X Scheduler  Packages  Job results (in NMI) X Reports X Search (EU-OMII?)  Job execution X Root execution X Private nodes X Dynamic publishing  Read functions  Job submission  Write functions  Security X Integration of test tools  Read functions X Job submission  Write functions  Security X User dashboard  Reporting  Read functions  Job submission  Write functions  Security X Scheduler  Packages  Job results (in NMI)  Reports X Search  Job execution  Root execution  Private nodes X Dynamic publishing

INFSOM-RI nd All-Hands Meeting - Bologna Issues Quality of codeQuality of code –We are writing code fast to satisfy user requirements and attract customers –Quality suffers sometimes. We need to slow down and work on unit tests and code reviews User support and Quality of ServiceUser support and Quality of Service –After the EGEE 06 conference many users and projects have asked to try ETICS features –As a consequence, support requests (user registration, bugs, etc) have increased beyond our expectations. We need to consolidate the support procedures and the quality/availability of the service Industrial ParticipationIndustrial Participation –Having collaborations with some industrial project is a strong requirement from the EC. We do not have anything so far that can qualify as such

INFSOM-RI nd All-Hands Meeting - Bologna Review A successful Year-1 Review must be our priority number 1 from now onA successful Year-1 Review must be our priority number 1 from now on The deadline is tight and there are many issues to address, both technical and administrativeThe deadline is tight and there are many issues to address, both technical and administrative This requires a strong commitment from everybodyThis requires a strong commitment from everybody I’ll present more details later in a dedicated presentationI’ll present more details later in a dedicated presentation

INFSOM-RI nd All-Hands Meeting - Bologna ETICS II The FP7 programs will start soonThe FP7 programs will start soon A first call in the Infrastructure program will very likely be opened in January 2007 and close three/four months laterA first call in the Infrastructure program will very likely be opened in January 2007 and close three/four months later If we want to propose an ETICS II continuation proposal, we have to start very soon to think about itIf we want to propose an ETICS II continuation proposal, we have to start very soon to think about it We need to understand a number things:We need to understand a number things: –Are the Partners willing to commit to this endeavour? –In what directions should we expand the new proposal? –Do we need or wish to expand the Consortium to other Partners?

INFSOM-RI nd All-Hands Meeting - Bologna ETICS II Assuming we all agree on submitting a proposal, I’d like to schedule a dedicated discussion about ETICS II in the coming weeksAssuming we all agree on submitting a proposal, I’d like to schedule a dedicated discussion about ETICS II in the coming weeks It will be initially open to Partners representatives and WP leadersIt will be initially open to Partners representatives and WP leaders We will bootstrap the discussion this week at the PMB meetingWe will bootstrap the discussion this week at the PMB meeting I will then prepare and circulate a preliminary document summarizing the main topicsI will then prepare and circulate a preliminary document summarizing the main topics We will then expand this document into a full proposal draft.We will then expand this document into a full proposal draft. The goal is to have the final version of the proposal ready in MarchThe goal is to have the final version of the proposal ready in March

INFSOM-RI nd All-Hands Meeting - Bologna Goals of This All-Hands Meeting Prepare a sound schedule for arriving at the review with all the necessary items ready and thoroughly tried and tested (this applies in particular to the five remaining deliverables)Prepare a sound schedule for arriving at the review with all the necessary items ready and thoroughly tried and tested (this applies in particular to the five remaining deliverables) Update the list of short term technical priorities and tasks to finish the planned Y1 functionalityUpdate the list of short term technical priorities and tasks to finish the planned Y1 functionality Discuss the requirements and technical challenges of the major functional items to be developed in Y2Discuss the requirements and technical challenges of the major functional items to be developed in Y2 Prepare a new list of short/medium term priorities and tasks for the first six months of 2007Prepare a new list of short/medium term priorities and tasks for the first six months of 2007 Bootstrap the ETICS II discussionBootstrap the ETICS II discussion