Weight, Balance and Soundness Getting through an Local Plan EIP Mike Hayden Head of Regeneration Chesterfield Borough Council.


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Presentation transcript:

Weight, Balance and Soundness Getting through an Local Plan EIP Mike Hayden Head of Regeneration Chesterfield Borough Council

Agenda 1. Introduction to Chesterfield 2. Core Strategy timeline 3. Examination in numbers 4. Getting off to a good start 5. Soundness and key issues 6. Battles and embracing attack 7. Selecting the team 8. Keeping it sweet 9. Modifications 10. Dodging any curve balls

Introduction to Chesterfield

Core Strategy Timeline Adoption!!! July 2013 Further Consultations CLG Announce RSS revocation 2010 Targeted Consultations Localism Act (November) 2011 Publication (February) Focussed Changes (August) NPPF (April) Submission (September) 2012 RSS Revoked (April) Inspector’s Report (June) Hearings (Jan) Modifications (March) 2011 household Projections (April) 2013 Scoping Issues & Options

Examination in numbers 144 representees Over 600 separate comments / objections 68 focussed changes – consulted on 42 extra changes – part of submission package 25 EIP participants (27 invited) 5 days of hearings, 8 sessions (9 scheduled) 49 main modifications

Getting off to a good start… PINS advisory visit Officer training Attended other LPA Core Strategy hearings PAS soundness and legal compliance checklists Well organised and referenced submission pack Key ‘critical’ evidence base documents Programme officer ready Make it as easy as possible Practicalities are important Is the plan sound?

Test of Soundness Positively prepared – based on a strategy to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements Justified – most appropriate when considered against reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence Effective – deliverable, based on joint working on strategic priorities Consistent with national policy – enable delivery of sustainable development

Key Issues Spatial Strategy Housing – numbers and distribution Delivery of strategic site Duty to cooperate

What we did: record of meetings and joint work set out in Statement of Cooperation statement of common ground with a neighbouring LPA accepted late objection from neighbour LPA What we will do next time: formal process of cooperation with audit trail include formal joint member process

Housing numbers - balancing act Housing Issues Backlog and under-delivery Creaking SHMA – 2008(!) Balanced against Affordable housing viability evidence Stable social housing need Housing requirement – supported growth and RSS conformity Household projections

Battles – embracing attack Early questions, matters and issues will give a clear indication of problem areas Skeletons will be discovered Be open about any weak spots – but commit to action to deal with them Should be no surprises

Selecting the team Know your stuff inside out Prepare your support staff Seniority is good, knowledge of plan is better If more than one lead: - consistent key messages - hot-seat where necessary - support each other

Keeping it sweet

Keeping it sweet – starters Website – keep on top of requests Note taker Tour of borough Positive and quick responses Clear referencing system for documents Can do, flexible attitude

Keeping it sweet – main course Don’t fudge answers Keep your library in good order Delegated authority to make decisions quickly Flexibility – mid-hearing consultation, statements of common ground, late submissions… LISTEN – what is said and what is not said Observe how the Inspector responds to other participants Does he/she write it down!! Occasional Victoria sponge…

Modifications – balancing act Balance Too many – implies submitted plan is unsound Too few – risk unsoundness / weaknesses Out of 44 – 14 were changes to policy wording All put forward by the council, no extras from the Inspector

Curve balls  Late objection from neighbouring LPA  HS2 route announcement  RSS Revocation  2011 Interim Household Projections

Success… …means Secretary of State approval!