Changing Behaviour in Lewisham around smoking, alcohol and obesity Lewisham Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board
What has behaviour change got to do with the Health and Well Being Board?
… Arguably the most senior and influential group of individuals within a borough that can impact on the healthy behaviour of its citizens … The H&WB Board is …
What has behaviour change got to do with the Health and Well Being Board? … its ‘Value-add’ is in potentially being able to effect change across the entire span of public, private and third sector activities …
What has behaviour change got to do with the Health and Well Being Board? … from the most strategic policy level right down to individual face to face interactions between its citizens and those who serve them …
What has behaviour change got to do with the Health and Well Being Board? … through the collective, co-ordinated, organised efforts of the agencies the Board represents.
3 key messages Large populations in Lewisham where we want to bring about behaviour change: 40-50,000 smokers 11,365 higher risk drinkers & 31,873 increasing risk drinkers 48,000 adults and 8,500 children are obese
3 key messages Health inequalities higher prevalence of smoking among people with mental health problems IMD correlation with smoking and alcohol
3 key messages Invest to save There are very high costs (economic, social and health) associated with all these behaviours Reducing prevalence will reduce costs.
Ottawa Charter Principles Healthy Public Policy Create Supportive Environments Support Communities Develop Skills Re-orient Services