2Preliminary Before submission, check the following: All files are ready for uploading System requirements are correct Figures are of specified resolution and are saved in the correct format Tables are in the proper format Note: Usually only one figure or table per file
3 Preliminary….continued Make sure you have all author details Write your letter of submission (covering note) Have in mind details of possible reviewers Check that there are no copyright issues (e.g. if a government employee) Make sure there are no confidentiality problems
4 The Submission Process Nearly all journals now require ‘online’ submission (via the internet), so you will need go the journal homepage Many journals operate the submission, review and related processes using a professional service, such as ScholarOne
5 Example of a Submission The following outlines the submission process associated with the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) The ACS accepts manuscripts by the Paragon Plus system of ScholarOne Systems used by other journals or publishers are similar
8 First Steps
9 You can type in the boxes directly or cut and paste from a file Note the flow diagram, showing progress !
10 New authors (+ details) are added as required When finished, click ‘save and continue’ : ‘save and go back’ for editing
11 All boxes must be completed before moving on
12 …Continued
13 Make sure files have been saved in correct format
14 When ‘finished’, you will be told if anything is missing: go back and edit
15 Before the submission is accepted, you must review the created PDF, do any necessary editing, review new PDF and submit