Conductors and Insulators
What is resistance? M easure of how difficult it is for electricity (electrons) to flow
4 factors that determine resistance The material you use The length the electricity has to flow The diameter of the wire The temperature of the material
Reducing the resistance does what to the current? I ncreases the current R educe the resistance, increases the current. R educe the resistance making it easier for the electricity to flow..
Path of least resistance Electricity will ALWAYS take the easiest possible path. You must be careful because through your body may be the path of least resistance.
Electric current flow through everything? NO WAY!!!!
What are conductors? Materials that transfer electrons easily Allows electrons to flow easily
Electrons in conductors Electrons are loosely bound to their atoms. Electrons move freely throughout the material When electrons can move easily, they can flow, allowing electric current
Examples of conductors Spoon Wire Metal Copper Aluminum Gold
How does electricity get to a lamp so fast? Electrons are already there, they just needed a push. When the switch is flipped electrons start flowing
What are insulators? M aterial which electrons cannot flow easily
Electrons in an insulator Electrons are bound tightly to their atoms Electrons do not move easily
Why the rubber coating? Rubber acts as an insulator stopping the flow of electrons to your hand